Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

What event sparked you to begin doubting official narratives?
(Please leave a comment. Your opinion matters to us)

OTHER (Please Specify in the Comments) 267
After 9/11 168
JFK Assassination 124
The Q Postings 107
Trump Running for President 73
The Vegas Concert Shooting 18
Conspiracy Theories are JUST THAT, theories, and you all are nuts. 78

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

135 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jacki de Billot says:

    Covid is what woke me up

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tammy says:

    The 2020 election results sparked confirmation that something wasn’t right. I knew Trump didn’t really lose the election.

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Caroline Durant says:

    Having been screwed by banks, supermarkets, the EU, my husband got leukaemia in 2014 so we had to stop working. This gave us time to reflect & research! And one rabbit hole led to another & another & another……

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marieanne Roy says:

      Agree, similar happened to us. I was a Pharmacist for 17years, and I fell rock-bottom. They would not accommodate me even though I could have worked from home with Caremark. They altered dates so I lost my long-term disability. My husband at the same time fell off his feet because of a back issue. I started researching and watched Out of Shadows. It was like a cup punch.

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sherri Rogers says:

    Fake Covid

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sarah says:

    When “Covid” was introduced to the world

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nicole Howard-Lawton says:

    The thing that got me questioning thing was B.O. getting elected for a second term.

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gene Ho says:

    Wow – surprised how many people here already said Covid!!

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Melissa Salvato says:

    Covid and the 2020 election

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kimberly says:

    I’ve been awake to the vaccines since my son was vaccine injured 22 years ago. But when Pelosi disrespected Trump and ripped up that paper behind him. Wow just wow. And I knew he didn’t loose.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Suzie Clary says:

      And that was an official Congressional document. Purposeful destruction is a criminal act.

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michelle Maklas-Baker says:

    The summer of 2020 election and the ballots coming out from under the table being shown on the news and so much more.

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisa Zakutney says:

    COVID scamdemic and the stolen election – both made me really open my eyes and my mind!

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Louise J. DeBernay says:

    The whistleblower that worked for Pfizer for 25 years, Karen Kingston, showed the proof of what the big pharmaceutical companies had done on the Doug Billings Show in July, 2021. Also, the election was fraudulent. It was obvious as Trump was way ahead until about 12:30 A.M. on election night. Biden came on the TV and made a statement that “don’t worry. everything will be all right.” He had a big smug smile on his face. That was my first clue that something “fishy! “was transpiring!

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine MRW says:

    GHWB funeral and the envelopes. 911 before that.

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Martin says:

    Researching the fight against the COVID mandates – they just didn’t make sense and as I dug, I started to link things together and find out about new sources and topics. This led me to Q and into questioning more and more of what the official story/reason was on various events.

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Crystal Ryan says:

    I think I have always known that things go on behind closed doors that most of us are not made aware of. That is just the nature of the beast. The JFK assassination has always felt off. I don’t like the way our elections are messed with. I don’t think the 2020 vote COUNT was faked or manipulated (too many court cases and audits have been done), but the info we get leading up to elections is misleading, misrepresented and often fake. We are voting based on emotions and half-truths. GET BIG MONEY OUT OF POLITICS!

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine William Michael says:

    Waco, Timothy McVeigh, Columbine, Jon Benet Ramsey

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Suzie Clary says:

      Ruby Ridge. I discovered in early 2000s Janet Reno used UN military, as the US Generals she approached all refused. Her and Clinton should’ve been in prison.

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    Sometime in late 2015, I was reading a newspaper in our company’s staff lounge, and in particular, was reading an article on the speech that President Trump had made at his evening rally the night before. As I read the article, and paid attention to their quotations from President Trump, I saw something that they stated he had said, but he actually did not say. When I realized that the newspaper had LIED TO ME and published something that was entirely false, I wondered “What else did they lie to me about?” As time went on I discovered that most of the main stream media was creating complete lies about statements that President Trump had supposedly said. In mid October 2017, Q appeared online. Through the research that Q had us complete, we have discovered many lies, evils, corruption, etc. that have been occurring right “under our noses.” I now have a completely different attitude when confronting any new story being given to us (ie the Covid plandemic, etc). Everything must be self-investigated.

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Valerie says:

    In the ’90s I knew for certain that Oswald did not kill President Kennedy. That was the start. Then I read “The Creature from Jekyll Island”. After reading this great book I realized just how evil our monetary system and government were.

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gary says:

    For me it was 9/11. I was at work the day of and watched the replay of the towers falling. I said to myself “Those buildings were imploded, there’s no way they fell straight down on themselves like that”. From then on I started paying more attention and researching for myself.

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shocked Old Truth Seeker says:

    Iran 1979 coup – sorry, ‘revolution’ – my first reaction when I saw grainy footage of lots of men in a room was – that’s not the country – and the UK stations were full of supporting propaganda such as ‘jokes’ on a main BBC ‘comedy’ show (which I can quote now but may be upsetting for many). I was young at the time and kept asking my older brother (eleven years older than I) what a political party was, really, honestly. I didn’t understand why all the adults just accepted this; they seemed oblivious. Years later, when I was part of an English at Home project for genuine refugees, my Iranian friend told me how overnight, her father had to work seven days a week as previously one wage supported at least two full families and everyone had plenty of money with proper family lives. Around that time of 1979, I used to stay awake at night worrying about how I could give money to the poor toddlers starving in hot countries. I did not understand how people with expensive camera equipment were filming starvation so that we then did nothing about it or why it was caused by conflict. Later, in the early 1980s there were radio documentaries on EMF and its use in conflict and one afternoon in April or May ’82 or ’83 the sky turned to night in central London and this was covered by the BBC but they took it down for their evening bulletin. The remarkable thing being, the newscaster was not fazed and folk were just going about their business. Around about ’81 our PM seemed to have a complete change of personality and came out with some awful actions such as essentially getting rid of the whole coal mining industry within eighteen months – it was a massive UK industry. I could go on and on but I truly believe lots of people have felt there is something seriously wrong that just cannot be explained away by ‘humans are war-like’ or ‘humans are greedy for money’ from being very young.

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Birdee Golden says:

    Publications I read in the mid-90’s, and the Zeitgeist movie in early 2000

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lucy sampson says:

    History class in the 70’s. No wait, when I intuitively heard truth and other things when I was 5.

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Vicki Husted says:

    I woke up when I was an original Tea Partier in 2008

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine erin says:

    Covid FRAUD / forced mandates w/o question that led to devastation (emotional, physical & fiscal) for most. WWG1WGA!

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tom says:

    9/11 really drove me to read a certain book recommended by a Friend – The Naked Capitalist – which is an intro into the John Birch Capitalist Conspiracy, and this led me down a trail of more books and more Online Researching when you could easily search and find things on the web in the 00’s and into a few years after 2010. Creature from Jekyll Island, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, Sott.net, The Cassiopaean’s, a huge variety of Online sites. Global Research, Above Top Secret, Zero Hedge, all sorts of Financial Sites. I do suppose I had an Innate Distrust because of JFK Assassination and various other news events over my Adult Life. Reagan Assassination Attempt – Iran Contra….just everything coalesced into not wanting to participate and read anymore. Then 2020 and Covid and really learning about Trump and Q and feeling like there is some group that is working to fix our troubled world. I think it is still bigger than we know with an Aliens (Good vs Bad and or Demons vs Angels ) Angle or Learning about the Objective Reality of this Realm we all are sharing. I pray because not only does Human Kind have to stand up, we need accurate information and learning to Stand Up Properly – to recognize the True Enemy. It is not our innate nature, there is an Enemy – it is a Spiritual War and we need Guidance because the Deceptions are just that amazingly HUGE! Wanting to be a successful Commodities or Stock Trader and reading various Pundit’s books, leads one to understand the Financial Press is Phony and Reactionary and quite often Wrong. From WSJ to Barron’s to the Tribunes and Times and Post’s etc. This is the earliest Red Flag that the MSM could not be Trusted …..then 9/11 blew the damned door open!

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine DIANA C DEANDA says:

    I was 11 years old when they “staged” The moon landing. How did they get video to the media that day. The lighting of the moon landing just didn’t make sense to me. The day of 9/11…the “plane” that hit the pentagon…where was the plane. When they told George Bush who was in the classroom. He didn’t react. COVID was just too suspicious…I quit taking any vaccines years ago.

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Debra Reynolds says:

    I knew years ago the government was evil, but I learned so much more when Trump became the president how much evil they are and then the Q posts came out and then I learned a lot more!

    I can’t wait til Trump announces JFK Jr for his VP!

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine DIANA C DEANDA says:

    How did President Richard Nixon make a “phone call” to the moon?

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gene Ho says:

      He had real good reception…

    2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

      …and all those astronauts seemed to have made it very safely through the Van Allen Belts……. hmmmm Why are today’s space programs unable to properly land an unmanned spacecraft (lands sideways, etc..) ?

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Terri Johnson says:

    Agree! Covid Hoax woke me up because of the mask mandates didn’t make sense, 6 ft apart even dumber, and especially only able to take a mask off after you are seated haha! Plus I started paying attention to politics when Trump was running because he wasn’t going to let them take our personal weapons for safety. Jumped on the Trump train really quickly!

  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Shelley Allen says:

    The COVID plannedemic

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cynthia C. Faverty says:

    i saw a lot of videos around 2015 about the NASA fake moon landings and i think about that time i also saw critiques about how demolition of dropping buildings in their footprints works (regarding 9/11). Between the two, it was a done deal that the gov’t lies. My mom was a member of the conservative book club, and i had read some of their stuff in the early 1970’s, so it wasn’t hard to believe that corrupt politicians would also be hand in glove with corrupt agencies.

  32. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jimmy B Hight says:

    Obama’s election and then second term slapped me in the face! Being a part of a citizens Grand jury convicting him and then being told we had no standing again slapped me in the face! Justice can be slow and for some it seems it will never get here but my Faith in God tells me it is near!

  33. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tina Barbosa says:

    2016 Presidential election started me in the right direction and 2020 stolen election put in hype mode to know the truth.

  34. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine P. Sunkel says:

    Mt St Helens blew. We were told that there would be no plants &/or wildlife returning for many decades, maybe even hundreds of years. I saw trees starting to grow the next year…and without human intervention. Yakima had the best crop ever as well. I found out they knew nothing, and have been questioning what I’m told ever since. BTW: I was in 4th grade.

  35. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine senewberg says:

    Covid is what did it for me and my groom. After about a week of the Covid crap, we started digging into things a bit further and started realizing all the lies that they were telling us.

  36. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Big M says:

    Believe it or not, John Jr’s plane crash woke me up. It made no sense, still makes no sense. I couldn’t believe it didn’t make sense to anyone else and thought I was crazy.

  37. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan says:

    The Covid shenanigans woke me up. It blows my mind that I still see some people with a mask on at the grocery store.

  38. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Audrey J Hutton says:

    The 2008 Financial Crash. It opened my eyes and I met some awake people who woke me up to that we are a corporation and not a human being in court. Many went into foreclosure as the banks got money and more money. I finally understood how mortgages worked and were bought off. How they sold their debts over and over to certain people who would buy the homes under foreclosure for pennies on the dollar and then go to the next group in line who would buy at a higher price etc etc. Same with credit card debt etc. We don’t have a contract with those people they sell the debt to. I am a Realtor and have been for years. I tried to save as many from losing their homes by working with a team to fix up their homes if they had equity and sell so they had money to move on with instead of nothing. I was so pissed when I sat in foreclosure court and the attorneys dressed all in fancy clothes laughed at how many they had to push through and how fast it would go. May Karma come back to those all in those fields. They know what they are doing to people and they do not care!

  39. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cathy Junker says:

    After 9-11, you could just see all the false info they were putting out. And when Obama was running, I knew he was bad news too when he said time for change but he never said what he would change and no one was asking that question.

  40. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lillian Reesta Harr says:

    I was raised by 1st gen Albanian parents that taught me to always look outside the box. It has served me well.

  41. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine steve may says:

      Old enough to remember seventh grade class dismissed that afternoon JFK died

      That the small town newspaper yelled in extra large print all cap red letter edition

      Camelot has come to an end that represented the bright future for America ahead

      Seen all over the world in graphic detail realness of the high noon assassination 

      That never got solved without a reasonable doubt left a hole of distrust 

      There was something wrong with the picture no matter what was said 

      Led us into a war of ideology being a spin of reality than actuality

      Since Viet Nam a matter of independence from French colonialism

      Some of us saw over there that we had sold out our Independence Day

      While the home front became against knowing something amiss

      That became a song of the revolution of no more war better idea

      Better to work things out by reasoning together without a battle

      The tune of the beat marching down the street saying stop the war

      Clubbed down in Chicago same year MLK and RFK assassinated

      Peaked out in Woodstock proving we can live together no hassles

      That the strings of Altamont sour note said not yet to our faltering hope

      In moving out to the country out of the cities to develop alternatives

      Like organic medicine than pharmacy as well as turning water into fuel 

      Snuffed out by Big Oil for profit then they created a worldwide shortage

      Putting the nation into a stranglehold of long lines of wait and despair

      Being held up at the pump as the price doubled while late for work

      Snowballing into prices beyond reason as medical bills ballooned 

      That a stitch in time now cost a thousand dollars per stitch plus pills

      Made insurance need a must and companies suffering to pay benefits

      Having to make more production making our work eight days a week 

      Then the price of bread as groceries jumped up a hundred plus weekly

      When utilities crept up to the price of rent while the rent cost tripled  

      Along with more taxes from paychecks and fees taken out for everything

      While cars now the price of a house and homes became lifetime mortgages 

      Paid off in retirement before nest egg lost from the doctor bill when old 

      Making a double income a necessity from the cost of living too costly

      Especially for our kids growing up without us having to work more

      Knew the song of the material world that profit rules no matter the cost

      Changing the rules of the game for insider trades for maximum gain

      The same old system that never got changed after the music died

      Grew into working two or three jobs to buy bigger TV screens 

      That taught our children well being home alone without us there

      Also seeing the stress in our pressure not to miss a payment or else

      Skipping the doctor while praying not to get sick or in an accident

      For surely a hospital stay would send the family to bankrupt court

      That life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness out of reach for most

      Then into a war taking our kids just grown in a spin to protect

      We could still see was more about a grab for oil actual reality

      Made another generation doubtful of what was being said again

      That distrust finally turning into a cynical mistrust than a protest

      Our children saw in mean streets than our dancing in the streets

      While the corporate margin became the hostile takeover status

      Making a killing while laughing all the way to the bank a score

      While life on the street dangerous as neighborhoods barred up

      A wild west mentality mirrored the score as the kill to aim for

      Same old war that never ended either in battle or in business

      Exploded into the war of terror that took our kids away again

      Into the morass of a real war that cost too much life and limb

      Lasting so long that even our grand kids went over for a tour

      Making the kids harder from constant war and us much older

      Having to work past retirement from prices never ceasing

      Knowing deep down something went wrong long ago

      From all the promise and effort to make a better place

      Left us doing all we had to do to just keep on surviving

      Living behind locked doors making everyone suspect

      Than trucking down the street saying hello to all met

      Until a stumble into the Great Awakening site showed

      What was wrong with the picture all along after all

      That sense we knew and every generation since

      Something was happening became perfectly clear

      The mystery of a lifetime finally answered simply

      That where we go one we go all 

  42. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cathy says:

    In 1981 I began going to an American Opinion bookstore run by members of the John birch society. I was 25. I began reading about what the United Nations was really all about. My next stop was what happened at Waco when they hung out sheets with writing on them because they had no one working with them as the feds were not doing what they said they were doing. Don’t forget Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh’s influence. Then Q.

  43. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Felicity Burnett says:

    1975 – South Africa dumped millions of perfectly good eggs off the east coast of Africa to keep the prices high.

  44. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine A M Bayles says:

    When they said they were using the PCR test to detect COVID and I contacted colleagues at the lab, they told me they didn’t have a sample – because it hasn’t been isolated. So what exactly were they using to run a comparison with in the PCR test?

  45. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine HEIDI says:

    When the truth and magnitude of worldwide D.U.M.B.S. emerged (thx to Gene Decode)and the link to years of child trafficking, adrenochrome, large scale satanic worship and all of the obvious evil GLOBAL ELITE AGENDA goals involving Reptilians, Kazarian mafia, Rockefellers, Rothchilds, changing history back in Tesla days, DEPOPULATION plans (Covid), CLONING labs, planned wars, paid off Leaders & Agencies and decades of Lies, Deceptions, Propaganda, and sick INHUMANE powerful elites threatening, bribing people to sell their soul to satan basically if you questioned or defied them. (G Edward Griffin very informative) But Our God given common sense, strength, morals, values, knowing natural laws of Freedom and Liberties gives us an edge/power of Truthseeking and WAKING UP to the insanity and these massive crimes against humanity knowing GOD is totally on our side, SEES EVERYTHING and true JUDGEMENT/WRATH will happen SOON to all evildoers who refuse to repent or believe and have faith in Jesus Christ/God the son who suffered and died for our sins so we will have everlasting life with our King, Prince of Peace. As GOD WINS, Satan loses in this SPIRITUAL WAR WE ARE IN …Get Ready!

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine HEIDI says:

      Sorry late reply…crazy times surviving! Thank you for confirming what I’ve already researched and the horrific crimes that have been going on for years. Yes God will judge soon! And I believe no mercy for evil minds and inhumane beings who deny Jesus/God. They will surely feel Gods Wrath! I pray for Peace, Hope and Love soon! Have Faith and God Bless you!

  46. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Oliver says:

    911 didn’t add up… started looking into it and reading about the 13 bloodlines… that opened my eyes. Not saying that the book is right on everything but it helped me connecting the dots. We will lose loved ones but in the end GOD WINS.

  47. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine sylvia says:

    Wanting to force vaccinate everyone in 2020 and kept coming up with incentives to get one to take the jab, they were trying too hard, so much for free will, they were telling on themselves.

  48. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cora wells says:

    Definitely during Covid. As a nurse, things just weren’t adding up.

  49. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dianne says:

    The 2020 election

  50. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Julia Woodman says:

    Always seem to have known the whole game was rigged in multiple ways, huge fake narratives everywhere….. tried to live as much out of the matrix as pos….. as couldn’t fit in with it…… whichever way one turns there are traps, inc most career paths….

    but covid fiasco and the media attacking Trump made us realise there was a good old fight on against the evils, so we joyfully joined in as much as we could….. eventually got sacked from care home for non compliance…. so had more time to go on…. and here we are – WOW!

  51. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Toni French says:

    I never liked the news and decided to stop watch ALL of it because of how it affected my body, mind, and energy.

    My parents listened to Rush Limbaugh, and I had sensed evil from both Bill and Hillary just looking at and listening to them. Rush just confirmed it.

    I was cheering when President Trump began telling the truth about Hillary in the debates (and honestly it was the first and only time I actually had any interest to not only watch but enjoy the debates).

    When the witch hunt began and Mockingbird media were defaming our President, I absolutely knew ALL of it was a lie and could not tolerate it. I began being a digital soldier full time for months to expose the truth, was censored over and over… and still do not have my Twitter account restored.

    May all that is hidden continue to be revealed. May the reveal of this “movie” educate and illuminate the world for eons to come. I know “He who sits in the Heavens laughs.”

  52. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Anca Popa says:

    The “moon landing “ flag blowing in the wind as the moon has no atmosphere and as such wind

  53. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Charlotte Richter says:

    The Covid SCAM woke med up !


    Greetings from Denmark

  54. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine YARP says:


    ^^^ the lintels are curved ^^^

    How about it anons?
    I can only show you the 🚪
    You get to choose whether you walk through it or not.

    Knock knock,
    Who’s there?
    Do you believe in coincidences?


  55. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lori Randolph says:

    After watching Out of Shadows.

  56. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jacque Dickens says:

    2020 election

  57. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carma says:

    Not until I stopped watching MSM and joined Telegram, Rumble, etc. looked at internet for news and information. Covid I knew was a lie from the start. Worked for a holistic practice and answered the phone for appointments and heard from callers who were looking for help. You have to search for truth and then discern what you believe to be true.

  58. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kristy says:

    When Obama ran for president is when I started to really pay attention to everything.

  59. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tricia says:

    9/20/2017- A student at Mattoon High School brought a gun to school and opened fire in the school cafeteria. My oldest son was about 15 ft away. I couldn’t believe something like this was even possible in my small farm town! That evening while scrolling through countless videos about the incident I came across one saying “HOAX” in the title which confused me even more. The whole community seemed to come together in the days following and before long the towns new motto became “MATTOON STRONG”. Then comes the Vegas shooting a few days later and suddenly it’s “VEGAS STRONG” everywhere and Mattoon got left behind. Something about the whole situation didn’t set right with me from day one especially once I saw the supposed shooter’s picture in an article. It looked like an actor or model’s headshot! Plus I thought it was very strange that the doctor doing that kids mental health evaluations name is Dr Jekell. When COVID hit I watched “FALL OF THE CABAL” and it clicked! Crisis actor! Now every year on that day the school forces the high school students to do a community service day where they basically make the kids do free slave labor all around town, at the high school and the county fairgrounds! Meanwhile the shooter is out and about in town as if nothing ever happened while my son and other kids are permanently traumatized! Something here isn’t right!

  60. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ann Jewell says:

    I definitely questioned the JFK assassination and the Paul McCartney replacement but I was too young to call it conspiracy. It was just BS

  61. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Trista says:

    I grew up with a tinfoil hat (haha). Since I was a child, I have always been fascinated with conspiracy theories thought things I thought were common knowledge. Well, I was wrong and apparently people just thought I was a nut job…until now…

  62. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Matt says:

    I never trusted the government. I would often have conversations with friends about how bad the world was. We questioned the moon landing. But we had no clear direction or guidance.

    Chem Trails were my first REAL red pill around 1999. Investigating chemtrails led me to Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and Alex Jones. Aound that same time peruod Alex was predicting a major event. Then came 9/11. I was fully awake from there on out.

  63. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Pamela Rose says:

    JFK assassination always kept me alert in his Great speech the secret society our government of all branches are the dark shadows of lies and destruction of God given Rights to Freedom
    From birth into today’s world All lies the Rockefeller Rothschild’s chains of enslavement
    No more corporations America in with the new world order our God given Rights to cast these evil shadows back to Obama’s gate of hell
    WWG1 WGA in God We Trust Amen
    Thank you Q

  64. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Keren says:

    Nothing ever seemed right. All felt evil. Since I can remember. Always new things popped up and showed their faves. But I know the deeper derails now though, through Q and Anons.

  65. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diana Ijames says:

    In the 90’s, I was a private flight attendant to elite and mafia. I seen things and began piecing it together. Money never impressed me only people’s hearts. I did see JFK Jr at the Syracuse International air show in 1998. He met with a General in the privacy of our FBO tent. They were very serious and I could tell they were meeting over something major. I know he’s alive from what I saw. ❤️

  66. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gordon Hutchens says:

    When my wife and I did everything they told us and still got COVID. She died after being treated with Fauci’s murder drug and ventilator.

  67. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan Guenther says:

    The election of Obama and Michael Robinson. It was absolutely amazing to me that nobody was paying attention, and I couldn’t find anyone that would believe me. They preferred to think I was a whack job rather than look and see.

  68. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Leesy says:

    I marked “Q” but it was really a combination of many of the above. I once saw a hugely biaed MSM article and realized that the news was just lying to us or pure propaganda. That was the real beginning

  69. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine John says:


  70. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marieanne Roy says:

    I was a pharmacist and they forced us to become immunizers. In 2010 after H1N1 when they said that they were going to add some thing to the flu shot, but didn’t tell us what. It’s like somebody nudged me and I said no more vaccines for myself and my family.

  71. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lane Young says:

    What really woke me up was learning how they usurped the original Constitution in 1871 and incorporated the United States. Then study of the Fed Reserve,Jeckel Island, illegal PortoRico IRS Inc. It really solidified it hearing Postmaster Gould’s story and the Title 4 Flag. Our Republic was abandoned. It’s all fraud since 1871. Babylonian money magic and mind spell. We have been free range chicken slaves. What’s the best kind of slave? One that does not know he is a slave. Oh and Juan O Savins book really solidified my suspicions!

  72. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Patricia Peoples says:

    Covid woke me up. Family & etc still don’t talk to me 😢
    Ready 4 it to end.

  73. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nora says:

    Sandy Hook did it for me … FAKE NEWS!

  74. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Alpha Omega Child says:

    Back in the 80’s when Chernobyl “happened” – I was 15 and connecting dots. It’s been a hot, steaming bowl of LIES since. Once you see, you can’t UNsee.

    From every aspect of life, they’re lying to us all and have been for literally millenia. Globally. BUT, since nearly the entire existence of the US, the center of the storm is our own, infiltrated, corrupt, ruthlessly evil government collaborating with other invasive cancers in other countries (to include a few thousand minions lead from within D.C., the City of London and the Vatican).


    We are NOT a FREE NATION unless we CLAIM our freedom BACK (as is our RIGHT). DO NOT COMPLY!!

  75. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine ChangingSkiesSweden says:

    The questions around 2012 brought me into the alternative newsworld. Then came Trump and I wondered how 70mn ppl could vote for him if he was such an awful person. Did my research and found the greatest injustice of my lifetime at least. What they have done with their slander and lies ishorrendous. Most Swedish people hate Trump. They only have 2 news channels and both spew same Glozi propaganda bought straight off CNN.
    Fighting with words and faith in a more or less hostile environment. Sweden needs George News!!!!!!

    Virginian by marriage, Swedish citizen.

  76. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Molly Miller says:

    No recourse for vaccine injured children, Fluoridation of our water, Lyme disease engineered on Plum Island by Operation Paperclip, and then I saw the plane hit the tower. My gut reaction was – Our government is killing its own people!

  77. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Steve says:

    Always new God had a better plan and gave me discernment very young and I always questioned everything but it was Issac Kappy during covid and being on unemployment brought me to Anon status and deep digs. Kappy in the portal!

  78. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lily Lou says:

    God Himself woke me up!!!

  79. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Renee Carrasco says:


  80. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Stephanie Jones says:

    I would write school reports on JFK. He was my favorite person to write about. As a kid, I thought he was the best President, ever. Back then, there seemed to be Kennedy family spirit in nearly every family. It resonated in me and I carried that spirit through my life. It was always the things that didn’t add up. Firstly, he was assassinated. Secondly, the story(ies) didn’t make sense. The magic bullet. There were too many things pointing to an inside job within our own governmental structure. I never believed it was Lee Harvey Oswald. He reminded me of a poor ol’ sweet family member who would never do anything like that. I had family members in the Military. They silenced him so we wouldn’t find out the truth.

  81. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diane Bartek says:

    The active shooter incidents for one. Too many and the shooters obviously had someone financially backing them. It got to the point of ridiculous. Then Covid! I was highly suspicious because of my background & I don’t blindly follow everyone else, especially when our Civil Rights are taken away.

  82. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jacqueline says:

    Obama woke me up. Tried warning people about him before he was ever “elected”

  83. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sharon says:

    OK City bombing

  84. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Terry says:

    The 2020 election fraud started my wake-up process. The Fall of the Cabal series, which a friend recommended to me at that time, was a real eye-opener. The whole COVID scam then cinched it.

  85. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Bobbi says:

    Seth Rich being killed in DC

  86. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ginette Chaumont says:

    When the young cuban boy reached Florida shore in 1991 I think it was….I was in Miami on vacation, staying in a rental, in little Havana, and what the news was reporting was not the reality of what actualy wwas going on. They were spinning high violence and riots, and it was quiet the entire 12 days I was there. Anyway, that made me realize, they tell us what they want to tell us, never whole thruths! I’ve been attentive to this ever since

  87. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Therese says:

    When I saw Pres. Bush Sr addressing the UN on CNN back in the 90’s I think it was, and he mentioned that he believed in, and is working towards establishing New World Order under one global government, I realized America was captured! When he lost to Bill Clinton, I thought, there’s hope for America. But, when Clinton echoed Bush Sr.’s stand on NWO during his UN address as well, I realized America is in BIG TROUBLE! The key that opened my eyes to see this TRUTH in real life, was the novel I read in the late 80’s entitled, The Matarese Circle by Robert Ludlum.

  88. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Diane Pike says:

    ALEX JONES and InfoWars started me down the Rabbitholes..Q posts and Phil Godlewski…keep me discovering what The Establishment …doesn’t want us to know..Thank You John John…God Bless America🙌🇺🇲🐇❤️

  89. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dorothy Litwicki says:

    911/ I had family in one of the buildings and I seen on 2 different new Stations, the plane hit the building.The first time it didn’t make sense and one other reason.I just learned about Airplanes from my uncle that the front of the plane is aluminum and will cave in immediately if a bird hits it let alone a building. And if you pay attention, it looked like on the news that the whole plane went through and came out the other end which is not possible.My daughter when she was in school she caught it and almost got kicked out of school because she fought her teacher and said go back and look for yourself.

  90. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Anna DeSantis says:

    Long, long ago! I was “reborn” in 1984. Since then, me and my group of friends went down every rabbit hole we tripped into! We knew back then “your vote” didn’t matter! We knew back then, Disney was a pedophile and Holly-Wood was all based in pagan wickedness! We knew about “symbolism” and about “freemasonry”… On and on and on! We already knew all of DC was all Babylonian, freemason, Luciferian symbolism of the worship of the “phallic”!! I don’t celebrate christmas, easter or any of those Babylonia, child sacrificing, sexual sickness “holly-days”. Yes, its been a long lonely walk because NO ONE is on board with truth of that magnitude. Even today… people still follow the pagan worship ceremonies EVEN THOUGH you can clearly find the TRUTH all over the place of the demonic origins of it all, “Saturnalia, Ishtar, Baal, Lucifer, Diana, Achterhof” it all goes back to them and so many other’s… same worship just change the name of the g-d. Anyway. My Creator asked me to “Come UP, OUT of her, MY People.” I listened. So all this stuff these “truthers” are talking about NOW, I’ve been walking in for over 30 years. These were the same people that couldn’t stand me back then and now they know it all! LOL! We ALWAYS KNEW our government was run by these Lucanians and we always knew the Queen ruled our land and everything was a lie. How can you be taught the TRUTH when the Rockafellas run our school system?? LOL! Its an oxymoron.

  91. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sandra says:

    Im Danish and the pressure and doomsday alert around covid19, a influenza woke me up, so i started to research.

  92. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Donna Jean Klinglesmith says:

    I been awake since age 4 when my Daddy looked at the B&W TV during the Kent State riots and yelled, “Those commie reporters were the ones who set the newspaper building on fire because they wanted a damn story!” DejaVu to now and sorry you’re not alive to see our wonderful country freed! They never thought she would lose eh, Patriots? Karma’s a bissch! Where We Go One We Go All

  93. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kate says:

    2012 election

  94. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Gail Galligan DC says:

    Obama!! The hiring of people I had never heard of that weren’t even American!!!
    Wtfudge was he up too!! No good!! Take him down!! 😉
    Gratitude and Love to #19! & #45!
    All of the soldiers, patriots, everyone that has helped with the transformation and taking of our country back!!! 💖✨

  95. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lisa Smith says:

    I have always been suspicious of everything. I have a deep God given intuition. Im a very logical person and when stuff doesn’t make sense … I just know. The icing on the cake was Jr’s crash. There is no flippin way he would be cremated that soon. Even my husband took note. I’ve been in this rabbit hole ever since. I knew right away with the covid nonsense and before that, 2020

  96. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jeannine says:

    The series Fall of the Cabal.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

      RIP Janet Ossebaard, the creator of Fall of the Cabal. She opened the eyes of thousands of people across the world.

  97. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cynthia says:

    Reading Rush Limbaughs book THE WAY THINGS OUGHT TO BE

  98. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol says:

    Was woke to big pharma about 18 years ago after my dad was disgnosed with cancer and I started researching alternative treatments which led me down many rabbit holes and then to Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s Truth About Cancer and Vaccine documentaries. Thought it was all about greed but then Covid woke me up to the even darker side of it all which led me down more rabbit holes like the Fall of the Cabal, Q posts, and discovering many anons like And We Know, Scott McKay, X22, Man in America, RedPill78, Melissa RedpillTheWorld, etc. My head was spinning for six months saying I can’t believe this is happening on one hand and on the other glad it was being exposed so we can break free from their control. It’s been a pretty stressful/emotional rollercoaster ride and still seems many need to wake up at least in my circle… I guess it’s going to take that scare event.

  99. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Greg says:

    JFK assassination is what woke me up.

  100. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ashley Riggins says:

    Finding out the Federal Reserve isn’t a part of our Government in 2Q17 along with Pizza Gate while stationed in San Diego!

  101. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Marion Ruth Jacobs says:

    I read a book that was written in the 40’s called “Brainwashed” about prisoners of war, China, North Korea etc.

  102. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rebecca Gullixson says:

    The happenings during the Obama Presidency seemed very off with all the jihadi incidents in our country, leanings towards Muslims, also the Bundy’s in Nevada, the murder of LaVoy Finnicum, etc.

  103. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Angela Frick says:

    OK City and Waco –

  104. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Barbara Woodard says:

    I began to realize something bad was going on when 911 happened and president Bush was in a classroom full of children and a secret service person came in and whispered in his ear of what just happened and I will never forget the look on President Bush’s face. It was not a look of surprise. My instincts told me …He knew…what he had planned just happened…My God he knew.

  105. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Louise Giannini says:

    911 for sure. When experts began talking about the way the buildings came down, and George Bush at the school when he was told, he didn’t look shocked/alarmed….something was off.

  106. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine YeshuaFaith says:

    In the late 1980s, when I became painfully aware that doctors acted as if the so-called immunization shots for otherwise- healthy babies and children … were required by some law which was not actually Lawful. Now, I know no serious safety tests were ever done on so-called immunizations. Only promised. Those unlawful shots do not prevent infection or dis-ease; they cause infection and dis-ease. Intent to harm undoes any so-called liability immunity for docs and for big pharma companies.

  107. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Jeanne says:

    When Fox News called Joe Biden for Arizona with only 11% reporting, I knew right then Fox could not be trusted. THATS when I really woke up,

  108. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Suzie Clary says:

    Studying flat earth experiments others performed (2016+). It prepared me for Q and 911.

    WAIT… 2004 Bush jr said in speech after re-election that he wasn’t going to do anything the D’s didn’t agree with. He proved himself true, hence my walking away from R party in 06.

  109. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathie says:

    When I was in Vegas I watched a controlled demolition of an old casino. When those towers came down I knew it wasn’t from the planes. Explosives brought those buildings down. Then Bush confirmed it. Not enough debris either.

  110. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mikey says:

    Michael Jackson’s death, Heath Ledger’s death, and many other young peoples’ deaths in a seemingly short time period is when I started questioning.

  111. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Brock says:

    Always knew there was something bigger that had to be holding all the evil and corruption together besides money, then it clicked (somewhere in 2020): Child trafficking, sacrifice, pedo’s, satanism, blackmail, the whole thing. And a MSM, plus social media, incessant on anything to turn our focus away from The Creator in Almighty God and Jesus Christ. No figure in history has more name recognition and has been loved/hated more than Jesus of Nazareth. There’s a massive, futile effort underway, to trample His name and erase Him from history. Take great comfort if you are hated for your love of Him. Just smile, give thanks and praise to Him, knowing you’re on salvation’s path. God bless you all, Patriots, in Jesus’ name. Amen

  112. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Katherine says:

    That the media could find Osama bin Ladin for an interview, but our military couldn’t?

  113. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Yvonne Renee says:

    I grew up in Coloradical where there were so many oddities. The movie theater shooting, Columbine, Jon Benet Ramsey, etc, etc. Way too many to list but I knew even as a child that people aren’t on a spinning ball, upside down. I’ve always sensed it as a kid, and then all these events I listed above were lies and I knew it.

  114. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tammy says:

    I first started questioning everything in Obama second term. He started releasing Gitmo prisoners and giving Iran billions of dollars. I was like, why doesn’t everyone see what is going on here. Then the Bush’s started buddying up to the Clinton’s, that was the final redpill for me.

  115. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Janelle says:

    Covid and the 2020 election both woke me up. I’ve been more of a naturalist my whole life and it seemed they were pushing an evil agenda right away. I started searching for answers, asked God to show me the truth, and bam here I am. WWG1WGA 🇺🇸

  116. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cathy says:

    When I joined Telegram and followed multiple channels, I became aware of multiple theories that are beginning to surface as the truth. My current view of history has totally changed from 4 years ago.

  117. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Connie G. says:

    Election night 2008, Barry Soetoro was elected…I cried. And my wakeup call was a God-ordained calling to put on my armor!

  118. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine An Bl says:

    It really seems odd, but MOST conspiracy theories turn out to be true. It’s just a matter of time.

  119. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Abi says:

    The mid- nineties, the corrupt & lethal foster care system- medical experimentation upon innocents/ child trafficking- torture. The impact of the medical mafia, 3&4 letter corrupt agencies, including the major Universities, P.D., the scope of freemasonry & their killing as common practice. Assault by Entomological bioweapon- mid- 2000’s. Years before 911 and recognized that day of attack & murder for what it was. Buildings fell into their footprints, how could ppl not see this was a well controlled demolition of epic deadly proportions??? Am SO awake…I don’t want to SEE anymore… where’s the cavalry?

  120. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Honey says:


  121. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Cody Fowler says:

    Born post 11.22.63, studied the event, and WW2, more than most other things at a young age. Found more inconsistencies than felt comfortable with. The start.

  122. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Linae says:

    I began to see the corruption and saw and heard things that made me doubt the leadership of this country. I think it was in the time period that obama was running the first time. I heard stories about people near obama killing themselves and all the manipulation tactics that were going on.

  123. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Debbie Thorne says:

    I was home recovering from surgery and was listening to Don Lemon on CNN. I was shocked how he was inciting trouble for our Police officers. This was during riots in Missouri. I kept telling everyone this is dangerous. I had no idea what was going on with politics. Then our police were killed in Dallas. I started researching about the Chief of the officers. My heart and prayers went out to him and the officers family. I was shocked to learn about propaganda and never stopped researching.

  124. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carolyn says:

    I was researching my Geneology. My maiden name is Scherf. I googled it and couldn’t believe what I found. Hmmm a guy named George Scherff who changed his last name to Bush. Then I remembered over hearing conversations around my grand parents.

  125. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Deb says:

    It wasn’t an event. It was finding Phil Godlewski on fb in his early days. He really opened my eyes.

  126. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Traci says:

    When JFK Jr’s plane crash…
    Then 9/11 I new things weren’t as they seemed and I started listening to field McConnell and I was on a quest for nothing but truth and facts.

  127. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Yvonne French says:

    Trumps stolen election. & Covid confirmed it for me. There was no need to have sent out all the mail in ballot forms. If people didn’t feel safe they could vote early by mail that has always been available

  128. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine tracy Leffler says:

    I knew something wasn’t right when Biden won it was sickening I researched, listened, shared the truth! WWG1WGA

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