Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Heading into 2024 Election - Do you still believe in \"Q\" and \"The Plan\"?
(Please leave a comment. Your opinion matters to us)

YES 4456
No idea what to believe 585
NO 124
Never believed in any "Plan" 104

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

Gene I appreciate you and all you do.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Gene Ho
Reply to  Heather
3 months ago

Thank you!!!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Jean Mancini
Reply to  Gene Ho
3 months ago

Me Too!!!!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Michael D'Hondt DDS
Reply to  Gene Ho
3 months ago

Ur like the Bruce Lee of Media

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Terry Bev
3 months ago

Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.
You must show them.
Only then, at the PRECIPICE, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.

⛈️Looking precipicey out here⛈️

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

The longer this “movie” plays the harder it is to keep believing.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Beverly
3 months ago

Beverly: When you feel that way, ask the Lord to give you some motivation to keep up the faith. He always obliges! He’ll give you an unmistakable “sign” for renewed hope and cheer despite what appears to be in shambles. 👍🙏❤️

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Karen Wiseman
Reply to  Linda
2 months ago

Linda, I know you wrote this message for Beverly, but it’s really exactly what I needed to hear too. Thanks for the encouragement. God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️ Trump 2016, 2020, 2024.🙏🇺🇸🙏

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Lisa Futch
Reply to  Beverly
3 months ago

I was going to say similar but thought of the one’s who gave up their lives to stop the Swamp and figured the 10 years I’ve been here is peanuts compared to the decades others have spent..
It’s All in Gods Timing

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

Too many coincidences for there not to be a plan. I prat there is a plan to end the corruption

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Joanne
3 months ago

David Lester Straight!
He confirms its all happening…

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Jeremy
3 months ago

Two sides to DLS…things ppl are not aware of.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Maryellen Duchesne
3 months ago

I believe in Q, the Plan, Trump and the military and GOD!! I have been awake only since the cheating of the election. Unfortunately we were led to believe from people like Phil G that something BIG publically was going to happen for YEARS.. Unfortunately the public still does not know what is going on. I’m sure there is a plan but the frustrating part is that we that have been awake are being led down a path each week to think that things will change. Sure things are happening in the backgroud but why do we have these people playing with our emotions for the last 3 years. I am leaving the timing up to God at this point. He will be the only one with his chosen servants that can save this country and humanity. I hope all that have decieved us will get their just punishment too.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Maryellen Duchesne
3 months ago

Whoa, same here, exact… dang Phil G. How confused I was to follow him. Ugh. We live we learn! HAWAII BORN, RAISED. JUST TRYING TO SURVIVE THE ROLLER COASTER. BE BLESSED ALOHA

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Maryellen Duchesne
3 months ago

Phil G, Charlie ward, Derek J, the authority, and the list goes on and on..the thing that torqued me off is no one in the right circle EVER exposes them or calls them out..we are left not knowing who to trust..people are asleep still big time..there must be disclosure and I know that isn’t coming..I don’t trust military, most are woke.. it’s depressing.. nearly 4 yrs of this crap. It has destroyed my family relationship, syrained my marriage, i have lost almost all friends. So tired of it all

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Virginia Williams
Reply to  April
3 months ago

Charlie Ward was at Trump‘s home the other day

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  April
3 months ago

Charlie Ward was at Trump’s house just the other day. Don’t know why but he was there.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Rebecca Burch
Reply to  April
3 months ago

I have never followed Phil, but Derek and Charlie are awesome. Derek is spot on. I have his signed book. The proof is in the book, but I already knew that before I ordered it. It will be a famous book. They are bringing in these solid podcasters to Mar A Lago. Codes. News and I believe …approved..podcasters. are under codes. They are helping carry out the Plan. Derek has the smartest and sharpest mind I’ve ever seen or heard. Photographic memory is an Awesome gift and he is truly doing service beyond his military service.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  April
3 months ago

It’s been almost 8 years…lol

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Maryellen Duchesne
3 months ago

Lots of grifters looking for opportunities to make money and a name for themselves?

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Nancy Brady
3 months ago

ABSOLUTELY!!! And, I always will!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Rann Patterson
3 months ago

I’m not a cult Q follower but have listened, watched drops in certain content creator’s work. The drops seem to be making more sense to me now than before. It’s like it is coming to pass in reverse order… like God says, he knows the end from the beginning. I don’t understand a lot of it, but I don’t think I was meant to. I think it has been written for various groups, for various reasons/jobs to evolve to its finished purpose. I’m grateful for it.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Rann Patterson
3 months ago

Q often stated “Future proves past.” Events that Q had discussed will occur at a future time, when it will become more apparent to everyone…

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Reply to  Rann Patterson
3 months ago

Q followers are not the ones that were worshipers of Satan

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Q Trooper
Reply to  Rann Patterson
3 months ago

I’m sure that is what is meant when Q says, “Future proves past.”

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Jamie Deines
3 months ago

Thank you Gene, and all you other white hats out there doing Gods work. God Bless you and the Q team. There is no way Donald J Trump and our fine military would leave this country to fade away. This is the greatest sting operation that has ever taken place and I thank God daily I’m alive to see it all. Godspeed patriots!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

NCSWIC Back to the Future… Bank of America Sign 2024… he still had time. We are “there”.. X… Digital Currencies, Block Chain Voting, Ingersol Lockwood, AI Technology, Stellar Blockchain, XRP, Punisher.. the Truth will be revealed. Pick a side. Your eternity depends on it. God speed… Let’s roll… for real!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
3 months ago

Ditto, regarding expressing our deep appreciation to the GEORGE magazine fleet, and Gene for helping us all along in this “process.”
Warmest prayers equally greeting you all ! Alo-ha!🙏🙏🙏

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