Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Should there be limits on the Freedom of the Press to report on certain SENSITIVE National Security issues in 2024?
Please leave a comment and let us know why you voted as you did!

NO! A free press, with an adversarial relationship with Politicians, Civil, and corporate leaders is essential for the Constitutional Republic of the United States, and any restrictions could lead to censorship a lack of transparency, be misused by the government to control information, and manipulate public perception. 488
Yes, but with oversight mechanisms to ensure responsible reporting without compromising national security, and when there is a clear and compelling public interest served by limiting certain press freedoms for national security reasons. 168

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

18 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine C.A.P. says:

    Information—false information (lies) and true information (TRUTH)

    Some information is private, personal—not to be tread on by another.

    Other information is used as Power over another person—and the lack of knowledge, “ignorance”, is used to keep people in a cage.

    What does a person need to know?
    What does a person need to live?
    Need vs. Want
    Necessity vs. Prosperity

    Some knowledge is better left unknown.
    But a person has the choice to know or to not know.

    Whoever controls the information, controls the “truth”

    With great knowledge, comes great responsibility.

    “The Knowledge of the TRUTH”

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nicole says:

    No more secrets and lies. Everyone should be equal. If we are to achieve world peace there would be no reason for hiding or keeping of secrets or information. God created the world for all of humanity. Not just a select few.

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine CoastRider92651 says:

    If nothing is hidden – nothing – what better deterrent against sinful natures can there be? In our new Kingdom only righteousness will prevail. Sin will be an awful thing of the past to serve as reminder.

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tammy Eldridge says:

    National Security has to be protected. However, truth is vital as well. There has to be a middle ground to where we get the information we need w/o jeopardizing national security. We just have to have those in both areas that are in charge to be good, trustworthy humans!!

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Russell B Delamater says:

    Truth is relative. Then one has to understand that each person or group of people have their own idea of relative truth. Therefore who’s ‘Relative truth’ is truth? Hence FREEDOM of SPEECH gives the people all points of view. I base my relativity on the Bible, I am a Jesus freak!!!!

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lynne Kiley says:

    Considering the magnitude of lies and deception we’ve been dished up allowing for sensitivity or national security should never be allowed again. The temptation is obviously irresistible.

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Robert says:

    When information can be withheld, information can be made, to fit a certain idea, if we had all the information, I feel our country would be better off, it may not be what people want to hear or know all the time, but it is necessary, for a free people, and an informed populace.

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Joyce Brannen says:

    Obviously, I misunderstood. I guess if all was transparent, there wouldn’t be the need to Watch-that the Truth is being Shared! Trust is the big Issue at this Time In History, for me any way. It will be Great to Have Our Country Served by Patriot’s, Who Follow the Law! 🕊❤️🔔🇺🇸

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Julie Martin says:

    It’s up to the government to keep their lips tight about security concerns, not the press. It used to be that the press would get ahold of the information because someone leaked it, and then they reported it. Now I think a lot of what is reported is literally just made-up stories. Didn’t Obama pass a law that the media didn’t have to tell the truth? That’s what I heard anyway. Pretty sure I didn’t hear it from the media. LOL

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine William Power says:

    Yes a free press of JOURNALISTS not teleprompter actors thank God for independent media’s contribution bring back the good old ways

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kim Wall says:

    We need transparency as to what politicians are really up to. We need to know what is really going on, not sweet pictures of deception, on all fronts.

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    Amdt1.4.1 Freedom of Press Overview……. First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of Grievances.” …………. after reading this amendment, one can see that the Cabal has violated all aspects of its contents. Yes, the press has the freedom to inform the public of news and pertinent information. The Constitution does not state any limitations of the freedoms of the press. WikiLeaks is a multi-national media organization and associated library. They have a perfect document authentication and has shown resistance to all censorship attempts. WikiLeaks is a perfect example of the press informing the public of wrong-doings within our government. Unfortunately, we have been informed of horrific killings in the Middle East performed by our own government.

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Angel says:

    Honesty IS the best policy! The American People are sick to death of being lied to! pun intended! We must have peace, health, prosperity and compassion without corruption and games and death and more death, rinse and repeat!

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Mirya Royal says:

    The Truth Will Set We The People of America 🇺🇸 and All Over The World 🌎 Free and Empower People to Enjoy Seeking The Truth The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth so The Whole Human Race can be set free to make better decisions for their health and well being to establish real relationships as human beings that care about living their best Life with Liberty and Righteous Justice for All. We are so tired of fake news 🗞️ and artificial intelligence and We Want The People All over Planet Earth to take their power back to be One ☝️ Human Race United Under GOD in Jesus Christ YESHUA’S Name Amen 🙏. WE THE PEOPLE WANT TO SAVE THE REPUBLIC of The United States 🇺🇸 of America 🇺🇸 for which it Stands One ☝️ Nation Under GOD Indivisible with Liberty and JUSTICE for We The People and Planet Earth. We Must Serve GOD and Protect Our Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness to bring Joy to the world 🌎 again. The Truth Will Set US Free, after All America 🇺🇸 is The Land of The Free because of The Brave so We Must Rise Up and Be Brave To Speak The Truth and Not Allow Religion or Politics to control anyone or prejudge anyone and FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IS SO Important to GIVE GOD THANKS 🙏 and PRAISE and to make friends with All The Nations to have World 🌎 Peace ✌️to Stop 🛑 The Evil Elites and Corrupt Criminals and Corruptions from Causing Endless Wars and division between the people and WHO try to cause GENOCIDE Worldwide Cheat Steal and Destroy Our Faith and Trust in GOD by leading us in the wrong way instead of Being True and being Free to Be Me and You! We Are Thankful For The Wonderful Life God gives US and must do whatever it takes to protect Our Life Liberty and Happiness and All Life on Earth from Evil Attacks Against US both Foreign and Domestic. If we don’t know the truth how can we protect ourselves from the evil attacks against Humanity and All Life on Earth 🌍 that God gave US to love ❤️ and take care of ? How can we make friends and build the kingdom of GOD without being free to be the way God created us to be Supernaturally and Spiritually and Feed Our Hearts 🥰 and Souls All 9 gifts 🎁 of the Holy Spirit of Pure Awesomeness??? We Need to Protect Ourselves and Our Souls with The God’s Honest Truth by building Faith to eliminate Fear to BE BRAVE and FREE Amen 🙏.

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine David Clinite says:

    Unfortunately “state secrets” are in today’s world a cloak for the worst possible crimes. Open Intel is the best. State secrets is the cover for criminals that is absolutely unacceptable.

    1. How could any Nation Government openly divulge sensitive information? Think of your own household as a micro-nation. Are you openly telling your neighbors and co-workers what goes on in your house in great detail?

      1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

        I believe that journalists may publish news that they have investigated and verified, as long as they did not obtain the information illegally. Government agencies need not divulge information that they wish to withhold, as we would not choose to offer private information about our families to neighbors. If a government agency (ie – a 3-letter) has been performing some illegal activity and someone within leaks the information to a journalist, the journalist’s First Amendment rights must protect him when he divulges his findings. I understand that this is a “sticky” situation that the Supreme Court should be deciding.

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kevin Bruce Stevens says:

    Can’t we all just get along? Jesus Saves

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