Election 2024 Countdown


George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

Should there be limits on the Freedom of the Press to report on certain SENSITIVE National Security issues in 2024?
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NO! A free press, with an adversarial relationship with Politicians, Civil, and corporate leaders is essential for the Constitutional Republic of the United States, and any restrictions could lead to censorship a lack of transparency, be misused by the government to control information, and manipulate public perception. 488
Yes, but with oversight mechanisms to ensure responsible reporting without compromising national security, and when there is a clear and compelling public interest served by limiting certain press freedoms for national security reasons. 168

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

Information—false information (lies) and true information (TRUTH)

Some information is private, personal—not to be tread on by another.

Other information is used as Power over another person—and the lack of knowledge, “ignorance”, is used to keep people in a cage.

What does a person need to know?
What does a person need to live?
Need vs. Want
Necessity vs. Prosperity

Some knowledge is better left unknown.
But a person has the choice to know or to not know.

Whoever controls the information, controls the “truth”

With great knowledge, comes great responsibility.

“The Knowledge of the TRUTH”

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

No more secrets and lies. Everyone should be equal. If we are to achieve world peace there would be no reason for hiding or keeping of secrets or information. God created the world for all of humanity. Not just a select few.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

If nothing is hidden – nothing – what better deterrent against sinful natures can there be? In our new Kingdom only righteousness will prevail. Sin will be an awful thing of the past to serve as reminder.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Tammy Eldridge
5 months ago

National Security has to be protected. However, truth is vital as well. There has to be a middle ground to where we get the information we need w/o jeopardizing national security. We just have to have those in both areas that are in charge to be good, trustworthy humans!!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Russell B Delamater
5 months ago

Truth is relative. Then one has to understand that each person or group of people have their own idea of relative truth. Therefore who’s ‘Relative truth’ is truth? Hence FREEDOM of SPEECH gives the people all points of view. I base my relativity on the Bible, I am a Jesus freak!!!!

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Lynne Kiley
5 months ago

Considering the magnitude of lies and deception we’ve been dished up allowing for sensitivity or national security should never be allowed again. The temptation is obviously irresistible.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
5 months ago

When information can be withheld, information can be made, to fit a certain idea, if we had all the information, I feel our country would be better off, it may not be what people want to hear or know all the time, but it is necessary, for a free people, and an informed populace.

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Joyce Brannen
5 months ago

Obviously, I misunderstood. I guess if all was transparent, there wouldn’t be the need to Watch-that the Truth is being Shared! Trust is the big Issue at this Time In History, for me any way. It will be Great to Have Our Country Served by Patriot’s, Who Follow the Law! 🕊❤️🔔🇺🇸

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
Julie Martin
5 months ago

It’s up to the government to keep their lips tight about security concerns, not the press. It used to be that the press would get ahold of the information because someone leaked it, and then they reported it. Now I think a lot of what is reported is literally just made-up stories. Didn’t Obama pass a law that the media didn’t have to tell the truth? That’s what I heard anyway. Pretty sure I didn’t hear it from the media. LOL

George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine
William Power
5 months ago

Yes a free press of JOURNALISTS not teleprompter actors thank God for independent media’s contribution bring back the good old ways

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