George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

Poll Result

George Magazine Poll Question

What do you consider to be the biggest dangers associated with `The Great Awakening` movement?
Please leave a comment and let us know why you voted as you did!

Deceptive individuals spreading lies 562
False "prophets" misleading followers 463
None of the Above 155
Grifters exploiting mostly older believers for personal gain 292
Dark to Light actually means from the Darkness of Satan to the Light of Lucifer 448
The Great Awakening turns out to be the Great Initiation into a "Secret Society" like collective 179

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George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine

56 thoughts on "George Magazine Poll Result"

  1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Debbie says:

    I see a lot of social media accounts suggesting people need to open a QFS account.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tom P says:

      Can’t shake this feeling that it’s all a scam.

      1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Candice says:

        I’m starting to think the same! Qfs tracking means we are still not free humans.

        1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine dave says:

          anyone trying to do that is a scam….use discernment

  2. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Michelle Neuenswander says:

    I believe in the QFS, but I don’t agree with anyone ever asking for any kind of money whatsoever from people because it’s the easiest way for evil to ruin people trying so hard to believe in goodness. The con men are out in full force and effect. I’m cautious as can be and still almost got taken advantage of. Our elderly will easily fall prey to them.

  3. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine David Clinite says:

    No matter what happens we’re still in the last days.

  4. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lynn Duncan says:

    There is so much deception, it’s becoming more difficult to discern the truth. 5GW is real. WW3 is in full swing – the war for your mind.

  5. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Susan Chance says:

    I believe all the answer options are important. It was hard to choose just one. We all must pray diligently and bring others to Yeshua because time is short I feel.

  6. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine C. E. says:

    I’m older (67) a grandma, but fully awake. I have grown kids in their early forties who really are not awake and are not personally suffering in their lives. I’m grateful for this don’t misunderstand. But the censoring that has gone on for way longer than we ever knew is the greatest injustice. The lies are everywhere! In Soc. Media, movies, commercials, T.V. Live and recorded. And the news is down right criminal. I thank our Great God that He is interceding on our behalf. He will restore us, but we must take action and open our mouths! God Bless everyone. Especially our rightful President!

  7. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Lynne Kiley says:

    Although there are a few other choices that can and do apply as dangerous I believe the absolute greatest danger is dark to light inversion. God says there will be a great deception. Believers need to be prepared and very aware.

  8. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Eric Pingree says:

    Because In totality of this operation it will inevitably leave a power vacuum in the global structure… Logically there still needs to be some sort of authority that will likely be unelected and quite powerful… It will require a group of (elite) individuals to make decisions and to carry out disclosure and re alignment… After all we have been through how can we possibly trust that their behavior will be innocuous… Faith is wonderful and is what we lean on, but We must necessarily move past faith into knowledge to progress.

    I can’t see past the current promises, I feel we have arrived at the point where things are so bad we are begging for someone to save us, with possibly something way worse… How can we know for sure… We can’t until the much promised Precipice is reached, and the long awaited Q reveals himself publicly and discloses all that will redeem those who are all in. … The problem is, the human spirit can be stretched and manipulated to increasingly elevated levels of what we will be willing to suffer with hope and faith of something better. How long, oh Lord, how long?

  9. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Tommy says:

    Imo “false prophets” pretty much covers the other answers as well

  10. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Laurie Bredesen says:

    I think this movement is fast approaching or has reached past the point of diminishing returns and that “true believers” are about to abandon ship.

    Personally, I try to remain calm, not expect anything when the “hype” revs up (ie Super Bowl), but I am becoming apathetic to a degree.

    Getting weary waiting for the trigger to be pulled, being told the military won’t make a move until it’s at 100% certainty of success, Supreme Court has already declared the 2020 election invalid,, there will be no election in November, 2024, “we have it all”, etc, etc, etc.

    Where is the credibility?

    I understand the far reaching scope of rooting out evil in the world and realize that we can never attain 100%.

    I understand that the white hats/good guys (God bless them) want the numbers of awaken to increase before the reveal.

    I have prepared in the ways recommended, but my trust and my life are in Jesus’ hands.

  11. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Charles Irwin says:

    I don’t like the questions they are oddly phrased like all polls they have been engineered to get a answer from tailoring the questions

  12. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Darrin Williams says:

    First, I want to say-thank you-excellent poll questions! Second, I have had and have concerns regarding all the questions of the poll regarding the “Great Awakening”, (Assuming the last question using collective means such as a Christ consciousness shift of humanity emerging). Yet at the same time I firmly believe that there is a true spiritual revival that is happening with this Great Awakening! Revival is happening in colleges all across America! The true gospel is being preached and being received by millions of children, adolescents, and adults who are becoming “born again “. Christians-Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox etc.. The true Holy Spirit is moving across this Land! This is what I see that could possibly happen. This is the last great harvest in this age of Grace before the body of Christ is complete. It could last a day, month, year, years and God the Father delays the 70th week (7 year tribulation). If there is an aspect of this Great Awakening that possibly emerges during the 70th week of Daniel is that the dynamics (from dark to light) leads to the False Light of Lucifer- Scripture tells us the Beast system destroys the harlot system (system since at least the Tower of Babel) and establishes his Beast system of false peace with great signs and wonders. Thus, the current “desire of the New World Order by the elites will be destroyed and the Beast System (false light of Lucifer emerges).

  13. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Dr Daniel says:

    I’ve been annoyed at the lengths to which the ‘good guys’ have emulated the bad guys’ tactics, in order to ‘wake us up’… the misinfo, misdirection & disinfo/lies make me want to ignore everything until I see evidence of changes!!

  14. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine kfcarney70 says:

    I have been in this movement for the last 6 yrs. I have grown battle weary and am wondering if we have been duped. I know GOD won so that’s where I place my trust. I see things unfolding and lining up as we were told in the drops but it’s the longest movie ever. I have decided to disengage and wait on Jesus. He is alive and here.

  15. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Meghan Christy says:

    I think Grifters are most dangerous to the movement because they also fall under deceptive individuals and false prophet. They require these patterns to be able to take from others for personal gain. The collective is passionate about the movement and to be taken advantage of during the war only hurts the movement and causes distrust.

  16. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carrie Van Hoosear says:

    People that believe it’s a scam have not done their homework. I have losing family and friends that think I’m a whackadoodle but I love TRUMP, JFKjr & everyone that’s is MAGA!
    My license plates say Q MAGA. and I’m back in Cali.
    I’ve been part of Q since Jan 2018 and if it hadn’t been for Q and the great awakening I would be a basket of nerves. I met Gene Ho in Mesquite TX (June 2022) he signed my JFKJR book from 25 yrs ago. I believe it’s happening and it is the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH!

  17. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine kat says:

    The Great Awakening is the Holy Spirit waking us up to worldwide corruption and the lies of the evil one. We see what others don’t. Those who don’t know Him won’t understand what we’re talking about. It’s Biblical. God is removing the worst of the worst. Could we possibly be heading into 1000 years of Peace? God only knows. Either way, He takes care of His children and won’t leave us or forsake us.

    1. How do you reconcile what you wrote with what is written in the Bible…specifically, The Rise of the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, and the Physical return of The LORD Jesus Christ to Earth from Heaven with the Saints and the Heavenly Host, to then reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years? How are you reconciling all of that, with your understanding of the Great Awakening?

  18. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

    The Great Awakening Movement has been a long planned event, most likely beginning several decades ago. Many of those “in-the-know” have been preparing for this major exposure/change in the lives of every inhabitant of the world, but still there are millions of people who have no clue as to what has been planned, what evil has been occurring right “under their noses” nor what the”good guys” have in store for the Cabal. The greatest danger lies in the REACTION of those who become shocked, terrified, and “lost” when the transformation takes place. We are in a silent war, and there are millions who have no clue as to what is going on around them. There are many who will not be able to accept the fact that just about everything they have been taught their whole life has been a lie. The history books we studied as children contain artificial “facts”, hiding the true reason for all the devastating wars, the creation of the Federal Reserve, the murders of the Abe Lincoln/Martin Luther King/Kennedy members, etc…… How will those who insist on keeping their head-in-the-sand be able to accept the new exposure of all the falsehoods that were forced upon us. Mental health will be a big issue in the coming days. As Q had said, “The truth will not be for everyone.” Q 4915.

    1. The knowledge of the timing of the Harpazo, The Rapture, of the Body of Christ, has on it a Spiritual Padlock of sorts. This is not, so much, to keep us from knowing the time of our “Blessed Hope”, Titus 2:13 , as it is to keep Satan from being able to plan for it.

      So there should be no surprise then that there is much talk in the New Age community of “The Cleansing”. Instead of teaching that the Body of Christ will be Raptured prior to the start of The Day of The LORD, as many Christians believe, New Agers believe in a reverse rapture of sorts. Maybe a “Great Awakening”, where “not everyone will make it to the finish line”.

      New Ager’s, channeling their “masters” (demons), call it the “cleansing,” and New Age literature describes it as a time when all the “wicked” people of the world, including Christians and others who don’t go along with the coming New Age occultism, will be removed to another dimension and be destroyed.

      “Prepare yourselves,” wrote New Ager Aleuti Francesca, “for the day now closely approaches and those who are not so prepared must vanish from the face of this your Earth. Those who align themselves with the things of the Old must surely be destroyed with that age of decay and darkness.”

      The “cleansing” teaching is an obvious tactic of Satan who will want an excuse for The Rapture of The Body of Christ after the event takes place, in order to quell enormous and out of control public hysteria. The LORD God wants Satan to be completely fooled by the event of the Harpazo, The Rapture, just like he was fooled by the unfolding and revealing, to the Apostle Paul (and NOT the 12), of The Mystery, The Body of Christ, after Our LORD’s Resurrection and ascension.

      “But we speak the wisdom of God in a Mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory, Which NONE of the Principalities of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 , and then, “And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it” Colossians 2:15

      1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine EllieM says:

        wow- thank you for your in depth reply. You have given me at least a couple of weeks of intense research!(thanks alot! lol) Very interesting reply….. I will “absorb” your comments and continue to research your analysis. Thank you again!

        1. EllieM, this is George’s mission, to put out real, verifiable info. Too much dis-info out there. And Praise the LORD!

  19. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine KB Hood says:

    The Great Awakening is suppose to be about the truth being revealed about all the lies we have been told by the global elites who are Luciferians. They run every institution known to man, and use their power to control us to benefit them.

  20. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ethan Peltz says:

    Deceptive individuals because this is a war.

  21. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ronni says:

    The only danger of the Great Awakening is to satan and his demonic spirits. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to do some deeper digging. No revival has ever brought any of the dangers listed in that poll.

    1. How do you reconcile what you wrote with what is written in the Bible…specifically, The Rise of the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, and the Physical return of The LORD Jesus Christ to Earth from Heaven with the Saints and the Heavenly Host, to then reign from Jerusalem for 1000 years? How are you reconciling all of that, with your understanding of the Great Awakening?

  22. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen C says:

    The poll shows the deceptive individuals telling lies as the forerunner at the moment. To me this includes the grifters & false prophets. Those taking money for truth should be jailed as frauds. The mis-information & dis-information is the worst as one is only trying to discover truth after a lifetime of lies. Folks want NO MORE LIES!!!

  23. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine D w says:

    The first two, I don’t believe, all going on brings people to creator 24/7/365.
    The last 2 will always happen, cannot change that.
    Concerned those who step up to plate will fall due to love of money or power.

  24. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Kathleen says:

    There is no danger in reminding people to do their own research and to think for themselves. We should all be devoted to life-long education, information sharing, and service to our families, communities, countries, and the world. We should all do more to make the world a better place.

  25. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Donna Sweeney says:

    The great awakening is exactly that. People have been sleeping and the whole Q movement was to wake up a large enough percentage to assist in waking up the rest. Some bad apples got in and are benefitting from it, that’s to be expected. The good news is people are waking up, MSM is just about dead and the swamp is draining. 2024 elections should prove to be interesting.

    I think people believe Q and the movement is supposed to be a spiritual awakening, it is but that’s just a part of it. We need God, we need to get back in the light in order to shine it on the dark ones. Q is not God but I believe Q believes in God. This is God’s plan THROUGH Q. Get it??

    1. The ONLY true Light is the LORD Jesus Christ.

  26. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Karen says:

    I am ready for the ending. The world needs to know the real truth. The longer the truth remains concealed, the more we can be blamed for the result. It’s like finding that your loved one is living in inhumane conditions and not holding an intervention.

  27. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Billy B says:

    Oh, the gawdhead of deceptive, it’s awakening to everyone we trusted and cared for, eventually betrayed us! Once one is set free to see that the military is the only way, at the same time we see how our ancestors and family have had their lives stolen from us and that FDA, EPA, are reveling just killing us. Hey, folks, do you know we have mater/anti-matter technology and we are starving by their designed. As patriots we are not tired of waiting or trusting the plan but are placed in survival mode; I was tax audited like many patriots into homelessness, they also did this to my dad, (Airforce), and he lost his family financially but what we won is ourselves. Our integrity is the one thing going for ourselves. Never sell your soul, never sacrifice your first-born, and never separate from your family/ SPOUSE, who are most-likely growth stunted by their system. WWG1WGA.

  28. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Suzette Petillo says:

    You all need to look deeper. I watçhed on in Trump’s 1st term, indictments grew like the wildfires jihad sets.
    GITMO is huge now and we’ve watched Monkeywerx show us the planes goings ons.
    The khazarian used these same terms when, “name-takers’ deceived Russia & the bolshevick communists took over. Q likes to mirror things and break bad spells.
    I believe God Wns, we’re watching a movie, Slaves NO More, and JJ Jr is our VP. WWG1WGA

  29. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carrie says:


  30. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Elisha says:

    I think there is always risks & gains in almost anything & everything we do, whilst we might see all of the points on the poll or none at all, if we are trying our best to live an honest life with Christ & scripture the flow on effect is that we are disciplined & consistent in our care of our mind body & soul & better discernment.

    We should always try to be kind to others, & participate to add value.

  31. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Chuck says:

    The Great Awakening itself, it’s origin and movement, I believe, is inspired by God: Exposing and eventually destroying evil with the Light of the true Creator God (NOT Satan/Lucifer). Those truly ‘associated’ with it are led by God. Sure there are those ‘leeching’ off it, false grifters of all kinds, but that doesn’t take away from what God is leading. God’s Spirit discerns between true prophets and false, true financial advice and baseless schemes with no evidence behind it. (Hint: God gives his Spirit to those who obey Him).

  32. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine CHARLOTTE says:

    I’ve been following this movement for 7 years. It began with a friend of mine me asking me if I had ever heard of Pizza gates. I’ve had my head down digging ever since.

    The reason I selected my option is because of the nature.of this war to drain the swamp. I understand the methodology but my mind sees how we could be taken advantage of. You’re either all the way in or all the way out. That can be a vunerable place. I am trusting the plan but more than the plan of man the Sovereignty and Word of God.

  33. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine C.A.P. says:

    I went with “false prophets” because that’s what Jesus talked about

  34. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Matthew says:

    Even with the great awakening, the second coming is closer than we think. I worry this is causing distraction to being prepared. The great deception that keeps us from knowing Bible Prophesy is true. Not even the great awakening is going to stop what’s coming.

  35. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Damon says:

    Dark to light is a hermetic concept. This is the doctrine taught by Freemasonry and other occult entities. These teachings are brought about by the ruler of this world. This world exisst as a duality, which mirrors the ruler. The ruler is the devil; consider Satan to be one side of a coin and Lucifer the other. It’s a duality and that is the same concept of these hermetic principles, which is also the same concept that our government is founded upon. None of this in any of its arrangement is in line with scriptural doctrine. Humanity was created in the image of God. God is a triune being therefore we are also triune beings. If you consider the God head: God the father, God the son, God the Holy Spirit. Ours is: body, soul & spirit. We are triune spiritual beings in a physical electrobiochemical avatar. We were created and set apart from duality. The ruler of this world has imprisoned us, and we are breaking free in the name of King Yashua! the Risen Christ Jesus.

  36. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Carol I Lawson says:

    I voted none of the above, because although there are grifters, false teachers, fake news and liars in our movement, we are LEARNING to be discerning, to do our own research, and to follow Truth rather than following people. We don’t need influencers to trust in. We are learning through trial and error to trust ourselves. Ultimately, I believe in God and I believe that nothing can stop what is coming.

  37. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Paula says:

    People are deceived for lack of knowledge, Many do not understand or believe the unseen principalities and how they work through humans. The Bible is a blueprint to all of this.

  38. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine ken depaola says:

    Grifters control alt media evidenced by censoring those who expose treachery. We also SEE their ill-gotten wealth in fake IDs, names, anonymity & their lives on yachts & many properties surrounded by palm trees.

    1. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine ken depaola says:

      Here may be God’s equations:

      Intended to elevate hope

      1 Thess. 4: 13 = 1 Cor. 15: 50 = Rev. 11: 11.

      Zech. 4: 14 + Rev. 1: 20 = Rev. 11: 3-4.


      Rev. 11: 12 = Acts 1: 9

      ??? Was Pope’s laudato si 7 years Action Platform (May, 2021 & confirmed by UN Fall, 2021) = Daniel 9: 27 ???

      If so, then I speculate rapture to be @ Passover Week, 2025 & more generally, Spring, 2025.

  39. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Vivian Nichols says:

    There are so many politicians and government officials who have sold us out, and this has been going on for decades. Since these Satanic globalists use their same mode of operation by infiltrating patriots who threaten their existence, they won’t stop until they are completely defeated. God will NOT be mocked!

  40. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Nadine Askey says:

    Your ” Great Awakening ” poll said to leave a comment as to why I chose the answer I chose but I didn’t see a place to do that other than here to ” join the discussion.” I chose deceptive individuals spreading lies because there are too many ” truthers” that millions of people are following and they’re giving complete false information. I understand we are in an information war, but there has to be a way to know who can be trusted for truth. One seems to be ligit and trustworthy just to find out months/ years later they’re not. This movement is beginning to lose alot of Patriots due to lies and events ALWAYS happening BEHIND THE SCENES. Those of us sticking our necks out to support this movement are definitely losing momentum because of being constantly strung along without any rewards of exposure in the ” normies” faces. It’s time for full disclosure and let the chips fall where they may. We longtime patriots are here and ready to help pick up the pieces. Believe it or not, every patriot I know, although we’ve all lost people due to death from all the crimes against humanity, and our family and friends just thinking we’re crazy, are still willing to be there for those who have abandoned us over all this. I know George Magazine plays a role in this, as does Gene Ho. So I’m just saying it’s time to end this movie, and trust those of us who have been preparing for years for this moment. MAGA -WWG1WGA- NCSWIC- JFK JR IS ALIVE – TRUMP IS CIC – NOW LET’S GO!!!!

  41. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Rebecca Lehman says:

    I personally don’t see any danger. If I see or hear something that doesn’t make sense I use my own discernment and move on. This movement takes a lot of digging but I believe I have a greater chance of hearing the real news with this movement then ANYTHING you get with MSM.

  42. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Julie Anna Kehoe-Lippman says:

    No matter what happens in the end it’s in Gods hands, that doesn’t mean we don’t participate. We must be in agreement with Him individually and corporately as his Church/Bride. Praying and participating in our community and running for office or supporting good honest candidates. Do not comply peacefully to any Cabal demands. I refused the vaccine and lost my career which has caused horrible depression but I still stood.
    I’m a poll inspector in my district and hope to becoming more involved as I learn about my community and its leaders. Find like minded people pray together and ask for discernment we are coming to the end of this movie and we will need each other!!
    In Jesus Name Amen ?


  43. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine TKMEHERG says:

    My greatest concern is a pervasive reluctance among the masses to face the fear/shame of having been duped. The anger that single possibility triggers is damn near impenetrable and immediately aborts any meaningful discussion. The quality of our collective communication will determine the quality of any ‘Awakening’, great or failed. We must at all times remember, no man cares how much you know until he knows how much you care.

  44. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Ambar Veliz says:

    If it’s a scam I hope God blesses this person so much for all wrong said and done to them and their family.

  45. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Sandra says:

    We as the body of Christ.. can’t be inactive.. we all have gifts that God have us… we are in a war against Evil in our war.. like so many eras throughout history and talked about in the Bible..we are also the army of God on this earth..God will not do this for us.. we as the warriors do our part as intercessors..and what God called us to do.. not to be complacent.. and think He would do it for us. He comes along side us. He gave us dominion over the scorpions and serpents under our feet. With Jesus and the Holy Spirit in us and knowing the authority He gave us.. we fight the enemy differently.. with the sword of the Spirit…which is The word of God. If you are not in the fight doing spiritual warfare right now.. Get in the Bible.. and learn how to fight His way! The weapons of our warfare are not carnal… but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds…..Let’s work united not divided !!!!

  46. George Magazine Poll Result  at george magazine Concerned citizen says:

    Since they have “everything” and are still allowing people to be murdered by illegals, if the plan is actually still going, it’s a shitty plan! More likely to be a psyop on the American people. We’re used to being screwed over by our crooked government. If DJT was gonna save us, he should have done it by now. He’s prolly just the other side of the coin. Crooked just like the rest of them. He’s done NOTHING

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