Good interview. Congratulations and welcome back George. I’ve missed you. As usual, Phil did a remarkable job. I have been watching or listening to him since he was on Facebook. I do not totally agree with everything he says, have been disappointed his live streams are fewer and fewer, but honestly believe he cares about his followers as much as we care about him. God bless him, George, but most of all, God bless the USA. I would become a full time subscriber, but Social Security doesn’t allow it. Thanks for this article and for your extreme professionalism.
As time(years) have passed, and marker after marker after marker has been forecasted and missed. As a retired/disabled U.S. Army Special Ops Intel analyst, even I do not see enough of what is needed to remain positive that ‘we won’, ‘they can’t stop whats coming’ … the storm, the movie! While all you “Digital Soldiers” make off with millions from all your followers. We the commoners shoulder the burdens of the financial disaster(s). The food shortages….etc.
I enjoyed this interview. I have heard the hype about Phil but prefer to trust my discernment. This article helps me to make the decision to follow or not. I liked the reason Phil gave as to why he’s in the movement, to bring transparency to the people of the world. I quite agree.
Thank you Phil! I’ve been a part of your Phamily for almost a year now and know if there’s truth in Intel to look to you first.
God bless you and may He always keep you and your family safe and well cared for?????
That is our Phil. Each word is what he has been teaching us for a couple years now. You spoke very eloquently Phil. I’m glad you got a chance to do this. I do believe when “truths” start to be released “TO ALL” you are going to be that beacon that people come to for understanding! ??
WOW! That is all I really can say at this moment. But, I’m not really surprised and I am happy about this interview and feel people who loved JFK and loved his magazine and who don’t realize all the lies that have gone on for decades will have eyes opened. They will continue reading his magazine and I believe Phil’s channel will grow even more. And one day we will be surprised who has been talking to us on Phil’s channels. I appreciate Phil and agree he is funny and good looking.?
I’ve been watching Phil for a few years now and he has opened so many people eyes and made millions free thinkers! So many unjustly bash Phil but his followers know it’s because he’s over the target!!! Phil is someone truly special and I 100% believe the person claiming to be Snowden is a front for what was actually Phil’s work…JS! Awesome job Phil!!! Keep spreading the truth!!
Phil, Great article. When all phases are complete, hope you write & publish a book on – “the rest of the story” or “reading what’s between the lines”. There you have your sub title. Deep breathe when people criticize & just thank them – saying we all need critics, that’s how we get better & better! Always look forward & enjoy each day. Love your shows, too!
Wishing you the best future ever, with your sons & your bride & new family.
I have one favor – I’m taking some products that are already making a difference in my health. Please go to my web page & read & give it great consideration; it could help you & help you help me & you. Web site is – –
If you see the benefits – both health & financial & I think you will – give me a shout or text or email me.
Maxine Jones-423-618-0375 or [email protected]
Again, enjoyed every bit of the article & can’t wait for a book signing, literally.
MaxJ Blessings!
I knew Phil would do a good job on this interview … he did a great, outstanding, AWESOME job. Many of his viewers, like me, thank God for his boldness in always coming out with the truth. When he said he has “educated” us — he has! He has overturned the MSM and has taught us to question what we see/hear and to think for ourselves. We’ve grown so much. Sometimes he says things and then tells us he was trying to be funny and he’s not funny. The man is very funny, and the Bible tells us that laughter is GOOD medicine. So Phil has helped heal us from the wounds put on us by government and MSM. We’ve never met him, but we’ve truly learned to love him. He’s done much for us and our country!
I’ve been watching Phil for years and believe he is a special person, I love his wacky humour and look forward to his live streams. Please keep going x
I love your story, I actually tried to sign up for the magazine and I was having a hard time I didn’t get it accomplished. But I do love the story. Thank you for sharing and for helping so many of us Sarah Mast.
Bravo. I hope the sleepers will be curious enough to open their eyes and look around. See the deceit. Mostly, I want them, to want the truth. I anticipate the day when we can put God back in America. That’s the first step to rebuilding and making America great again.
WOW. Excellently written article. Thank YOU both! I’m impressed and learned some things about Phil…but very impressed with the flow and information in the article!
Thank u for all that u do and are doing! God bless u and ur family, u are truly a gift from God to keep us patriots informed and to keep the faith! I will never give up believing , “ The best is Yet to come, God’s got this! We need to be patient be thankful that the evil is being dealt with, never to happen again! Thank u once again!!!
Thank you Phil….I have been following for the past 2 1/2 years. I have trusted your intel. Please keep up the good work.
You are very loved. United We Stand.
Thank you for this article. Phil is the best! What he says about teaching his followers is 100% accurate. I’ve learned so much by following him. Phil’s followers are not only educated, but they are EXTREMELY loyal!
Phil godlewski is a remarkable man. We must all remember. Everything we have been told is absolutely a lie. Step out of the box you grew up in and open your mind. God didn’t put us here to be homeless, hungry, and sick. God is real! Religion has Been manipulated by man to divide and conquer. Truth is coming! Be ready.
Great article! a great truther! When I first discovered Phil I had to study him and he grows on you. Phil not only has good information but is quite transparent with himself and his delivery. There’s a few jerks who complain for God only knows what but the amount of followers speaks for itself. You are old enough to be my son but age has nothing to do with knowledge! You have earned your respect!
What a great article. Hopefully many more people will become aware of Phil. He has helped me immensely in coming to terms with what is happening. I pray for peace in my lifetime, and I believe The Plan will accomplish that. Thank you so much Phil.. God bless you.
He has had his website set up so that no one can cancel. I complained in messages that this has automatically taken money from my account, and because he closed the account, I cant go in there to cancel. Then he had banned my account because I had asked questions he didnt like. Why are you promoting someone who is stealing funds from Senior Citizens? I want my money back from this thief!
Wow, excellent article! We are so grateful for Phil and other truthers that are telling the truth! That’s what we need to hear! Thank you, George Magazine, for carrying the truth forward. Love George Magazine’s integrity to telling all sides without bias.
Thank you George & Phil
What an excellent interview Rachel. Thank you asking those most desirable questions. This article really was enjoyable to read. I look forward to receiving my recent magazine purchase. Looking forward to many more!
God bless
Awesome article, thank you for just being you Phil. I have been a follower of yours since You Tube. I have not missed any of your shows or lives,can’t wait for tonights. I feel like you are my family and pray for you nightly. Please continue with your mission to bring out the truth, this 74 yr young grandmother loves you, God bless you and your family. WWG1WGA. God bless America!
I have followed Phil since the early days, never miss a live, I put my trust in God first, and Phil takes a VERY CLOSE second. When his followers complain about a live being cancelled until another day; I believe in my heart that the wait was well worth it, because I believe we were given more information than we would have gotten originally, so a wait only makes me happy, because I know some better will be provided in the live. I LOVE PHIL and he is the ONLY “truther” that I watch!
I just loved Phil’s interview with George magazine. I have been following him for over 2 years and will continue to follow him when he goes big time. His following just love him as he loves us.
Great job Phil. Now people can see that there is a plan in place that is finally being discussed in MSM and by a magazine that has credibility and integrity. We need to know all the truths, no matter what; seeing and hearing it is essential for people to understand. We are owed no less than the truths of what has happened to our country and us. Thank God we had people committed to our ideals, freedom and love of fellow man and country. God bless them ALL!
Great interview with Phil! Phil is a digital soldier journalist that we trust because he tells the truth! Thank you Phil and Thank you Rachel! God Bless You Both!
Bravo Phil, Your interview was great. I’ve been a huge fan of your since you started live on FB from you vehicle. I follow my discernment from God about you. I’m getting very excited we are nearing the End! Thank you for all you do for your followers. God Bless!! WEG1WGA
Congrats to George Magazine……whishing you much success!!
Great job Phil, as always! As a long time Phil follower, he has opened my mind up things I would have never believed were true before. I can’t wait to wear my Phil shirts after the truth comes out and prove to people I’m not nuts! Phil is a national treasure!
Lol the guy is such a grifter. His telegram is full of gibberish “hacking” and just like all the right wingers, out to get as much money from gullible boomers as possible.
Excellent interview! Followed Phil for a couple years and look forward to his Live shows I’ve learned so much and shared with many. Whoever you “really” are looking forward to the reveal. Keep up the persistance of searching for truth.
Thanks George for this interview with Phil! I’m pumped he laid it out there, and didn’t pull any punches. His truth will be brutal for many to comprehend. But for we who have followed this train wreck for 7 years or better, it’s time to reveal this disaster. Great Job Phil…..
Great article! I have followed Phil, among others, for 3+ years. With that being said, I have continued to eliminate/narrow my focus on those citizen journalists that I continue listening to – Phil remains my #1. He is solid with his information, educational topics and intel that comes to pass. Congratulations Phil on a great interview! Congratulations George Magazine – Glad to see your publication back!
What a great interview Phil. My intuition kicked in from the first time I listened to you….i knew you were the real deal. You have a follower here for life ! Can’t wait to go forward and see what our world turns into ! You have helped SO MANY ! God Bless and always be true to yourself !
Phil’s, I truly appreciate all you do. By the grace of God I found you on Rumble shortly after you started there. Now, my wife looks forward to listening to you too. I just felt in my spirit that something was wrong, so I kept looking. I went through several truthers before I found you. So glad you found God. He’s Holy, faithful, and loving. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favorite passages “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path”. May Gods love keep and abide in you forever!!! Love your intel drops too ❤️?.
I’m a retired Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, and a true conservative!!!
What a great interview!!! Phil, I’m as proud of you as I would be my own little brother?! You have done nothing but speak the truth even when Noone would listen. They are all listening now. I appreciate you.
Welcome back George! I have all your original issues and I’m excited to collect these as well. I pray one day we find our Jon Jon really isn’t gone and he writes one of his legendary editorials in here again. ❤️
Thank you, Rachel. Great interview with direct and probing questions. Thanks for letting Phil answer in his lingering fashion. I am sure you had to edit some, but you were very judicious. It still sounds like Phil being Phil. Welcome back, GEORGE. Keep printing TRUTH and we will keep reading.
What great interview. The best thing about how we get our news now is that whole thoughts are expressed w/o interruption. To watch Hannity on FOX, for instance, is all geared around people talking past each other and fighting, never solving ANYTHING in these explosive7 minute segments . There’s no depth to thought, just sensationalism and COMMERCIALS CONSTANTLY reminding you of all the things you DON’T have i.e. an IRA, a secure retirement, investments blah blah blah. It’s wearying! This article gave Phil the chance to express his side of things FULLY. Congratulations. I really hope JFK JR. IS alive and well as Phil says. I’m his age. felt everything he went through with hisFather & Uncle and HRC’s evil designs upon him and if he is indeed alive I really hope he will come out of anonymity soon. I subscribed to GEORGE and it was worth it! Blessings
Thank you for this. I will be ordering my copy later this week. I absolutely agree with Phil, I want transparency in the world. I know we can handle it. If we don’t have transparency about EVERYTHING I fear we will end up right back in the same spot we are fighting so hard to get out of at this very moment. Godspeed to you, Phil, and everyone fighting the good fight. And God bless America. Can’t wait for you next live this evening.
Thank you Phil and I pray you can keep doing what you do best. May God bless you and your family and as usual, may God bless and watch over our great country, which will be even more great when the job is done. I also pray for all the countries and people in this world that God created to have the freedom they deserve.
Bravo, Praises and Thank you Phil and George for publishing TRUTH in a compelling format that respects Humanity, God and the NEED to deliver the TRUTH for the health and betterment of the entire world. Bless you all as you continue to do the work so sorely sought after by humanity.
Why are there reports of Phil’s involvement with a 15 year old student? Has he given any reason for that bit of news going around as well as the documented facts surrounding (if true or false) said accusations. I followed him closely until that info spark a look see. Phil! Can you address this for us? Are there people who are disinforming us?
Great interview George. I am going to subscribe to your magazine. I like Phil. You can take him or leave him as you please but I enjoy listening to his show.
Great interview! Phil is a Patriot and loves our country. A multitude of thanks to you Phil, for all you have done to fight for justice, expose the truth and open our eyes. God bless you my friend!
Phil, that was a great interview. I have been following you for a long time and I had my doubts about you, until I read your article. After reading your story, I can see your heart and courage. Keep up the good work and God Bless You!
So many in this community are blind to the truth. Reading this article has made me believe he is one of the biggest fraudsters in our community. He has made millions from his followers. When he starts his show it is about 15/20 minutes of music before he decides to grace us with his presence and then he spends another 30 minutes talking about his self. He is a child molester. He is a fraudster. He is an idiot. Finally I don’t think we have seen the real him in some time.
Same as CW. His interview was hilarious. What I always look for is their clothing just zoom in. He admits he was a very naughty boy in his past however there is NAUGHTY and NAUGHTY. HE spent a large part of his life transferring dirty money for his clients and at the same time transferring underage children to his friends in far away places.
I’m convinced these past few monthly copies of George are part of the movie. George will be the most sophisticated up market magazine available when the time comes. Why would they want to interview individuals like these
One of the parts of the revelations to come out that I am so excited about is find out the many evil gurus being exposed.
Anyhow glad I was able to get this off my mind.
Weird you’d prop someone up that doesn’t bring any provable facts to the table. Please interview Jon Herold and the Devolution Series. Brilliantly researched and documented facts provided in it. Until then I’ll just assume his work uncovers what is really happening in our government that no one can prove wrong. CHECK IT OUT.
I enjoyed this interview. I have heard back and forth about Phil’s not to follow or he is the best podcast out there. I have to be honest the noise about Phil was trust or to run him under the bus. . God is the judge we have no power above God. We have been brainwashed forever and it’s time to not be so judge mental. I have learned from so many podcasts that we must comeback together and stop the division. Choose wisely. For when you speak it must be truth. Phil is well liked by many and on the other hand not so much. I have no opinion all I ask is for the best of everyone Love your neighbor as yourself. God’s grace and glory guide your future and blessings to y’all.
I am very surprised that George chose this Grifter to interview, when there are so many “real Truthers out there. This guy is a child molester ,(while he was married with 2 young boys).She 15, he 25), you can look his court case up in Lackawanna County Pa. and is still ongoing. Meanwhile he got very rich of scamming people and he cancels his shows more then he is live. Any Real Truthers that call him out , he sues for slander, defamation of character etc, just like he sued the Scranton Times. For him, it’s all about money. George news should vet their guests a little better . This guy throws a bad light on your reporting. I followed him once, but quickly realized what a scammer he really is>
In addition to my prior post :If you want to interview a real Patriot and Truther, who charges nothing , sells no Merchandise , doesn’t scam people and knows what is really happening, look up Derek Johnson.
Great interview! I’m a loyal listener of Phil’s & am happy to see him in GEORGE (my new favorite publication). I trust Phil to be an honorable good guy and am sick to see how many still fall for whatever’s written in a newspaper somewhere. Thank you GEORGE & thank you Phil for fighting for the people’s right to know truth & allowing them to form their own opinions.
Thank you for this article on Phil!! His followers love him and helps us to understand better what is going on.
I can’t wait to time he is proven right and we all know who he is!!!!
Phil has opened my eyes and Many others as well to the truth of what is going on and what has gone on for so many years. Without his intel I would be a nervous wreck with all that is shown in the MEDIA now but he has a way to calm you and opens your eyes.
Thank you Phil for helping so many people understand the truth in so many of your different modes. Thank you George for the endorsement of Phil and helping people realize he is credible.
“Conclusions are based entirely on the sources of information whereby those interpretations are derived.”
i’ve followed Phil for a few years now. my conclusions are consistently supportive of his content. You don’t develop a following where north of 20 million people continually attend his ‘Lives’.. Besides, followers of his, post comments that are genuinely well thought out and intelligent. The naysayers that bash and criticize him, obviously have some -agenda- ax to grind.
We are in an information war. Detractors should focus on the sources of Phil’s intel. Then they would have different conclusions…
My wife and I have been following Phil for two Plus years. He has helped us tremendously to understand the world we are living in. But beyond the information that he continually brings to us, not only in his broadcasts but also through Telegram, it is his indominable optimism and his upbeat demeanor that never fails to cheer us up. Anyone who has listened to him for a while would never give credence to the trolls that try to paint him in any kind of unfavorable light. In our conviction, he is a man of the highest integrity and transparency and honesty are the foundation of all the work he does online. Thank you Phil and thank you George for this wonderful interview! Looking forward to the world that has been completely cleansed of evil! I love what Rumi said: Beyond Good and Evil there is a field, I will meet you there!
Excellent interview. I read it last spring when the magazine came out. Happy to see it here on X. I hope it will connect some dots for people. Phil has been a powerful resource Truther. He gives us enough intel and information so we can dig and learn for ourself. Thank you Phil. Doubters have to doubt and Hater’s have to hate. Hopefully they are waking up and see the lies, and can embrace the Truth. WWG1WGA??
I love watching Phil and loved reading this interview! I am one of those people who hate it when he cancels, but get very excited every time he schedules! Bless Phil and bless George Magazine.
The interview was great. I was fortunate to stumble upon Phil a few years ago. Phil is a brilliant, funny, compassionate guy. He has helped me open my eyes and mind to the truth about all the corruption and lies we have been fed. I’m so glad I came across him when I did. I will forever be grateful to him for everything he has done for us.
Thankful for the opportunity to prepare mentally, physically and financially that Phil given us all!
Phil cares and we care about Phil, is phamily and his mission! ?
Great interview and article, GM! Phil Godlewski is one of the few remaining truthers I still listen to because I have come to know he can be trusted. He’s right when he says he sometimes gives his listeneners information months before it actually comes out into the light. Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to some of Phil’s intel.
Great interview choice GEORGE!! We love Phil’s confidence and cockiness and the TRUTH that he is putting out there to help WAKE UP the sheep. He is our favorite out of all the truthers for intel. His popularity and large mass of followers is continuing to grow for a reason. Keep up the GOOD WORK Phil!
I have followed Phil for over 3 yrs. This is a fantastic article!
He never talks down to his audience nor have I once heard him talk bad other truthers. He has never said one had to buy anything & it really irks me when one says, well he has sponsors…really, does he come through the screen and twist your arm.
He has explained his situation with his law suits over and over to where I want to reach through the screen and say “ Knock it off”. I appreciate Phil, I appreciate this magazine and we are going to get our country back. Heck, I’ve been homeless for almost 2 years but the good Lord gets me by. Sweet friends have let me stay at their places.
Folks have got to start being kind and nice again. There are people sitting on the sidewalks truly homeless. I sit with them, take them some and a couple of bucks.
Once again, thank you for all you do Phil and thank you for the wonderful article.
Cynthia Moore
I have always had a great gut feeling about Phil. He gives off an aura of wisdom. I trust him. I cannot wait to find out who he is as it relates to our new world!
Great article,I have followed Phil for years,never miss a show,I believe he loves our Country as much as I do. We are a force,our phamily! We agree on most things,debate the rest,and NCSWIC!
Stop the nonsense about Phil G. This guy really does have very special intel for the world, especially Americans. We are still in a misinformation war. He is very correct about the corruption that has infiltrated our ranks at the highest levels. This operation is very involved, and has taken many years, and good people to stand up and fight. The truth is coming to light and whether you realize it or not, Phil Godlewski is a name that is at the forefront of that. We need all the help we can get, so put away your stupid notions and trying to make him something he is not. How dare you. WWG1WGA. God bless the patriots fighting for us, and God bless Phil G. and those like him that want the world to be a better place!
We have been following Phil for the last 3 years and have complete faith in his intel he provides. As far as we are concerned, he is the only real truther out there and we are grateful and blessed for the information he provides.
Thank you GM for doing this interview with Phil G. I’ve been listening to Phil since the beginning of his shows. I believe he has brought those of us who faithfully listen to him on all his platforms become a part of Phil’s Phamily and enjoy his intel, his joking around, and even including personal information like his wedding to his beautiful wife, Keri and his 4 kids! I know he had to give us info he is allowed to give us by people he gets his intel from AND, at times, disinformation bc it’s all part of this psychological war! I read positive and negative comments and just look at it like a typical dysfunctional phamily! I hope he NEVER gives up his platforms even after this biblical event finally happens. Trust in God!!!
Excellent article. I’ve been following Phil for about 3 years now. I was skeptical at first, but after providing solid intel prior to events, I’m convinced he not only has solid sources in high places, but also cares for humanity deeply, and especially our country.
Thank you George! Great interview with Phil…I have followed him for 3+ years. He is a great teacher. He is our voice, our son, our brother, our friend. He is “We”. “We the people”. I totally believe that God sent him and put him in this position. (Thank you Phil!)
Great interview Phil.
I have been following you for a long time now. I have my own opinions about things, and we usually agree, and I appreciate your intel which is spot on. I remember when Kennedy was shot, yes, I am that old. I consider it the great tragedy of my time. That and the Vietnam war. I am not forgetting the Twin Towers. But…what we are living through today
is as shocking as all of them put together. I thought our country was the greatest place in the world. So, keep up the good work Phil.
GREAT INTERVIEW George Magazine and Phil Godlewski!! Phil is THE BEST TRUTHER out there, HANDS DOWN 100%! I have been a Phamily member for 3 years and Phil is one of the ones that has helped me NOT GIVE UP HOPE ON OUR FALLEN NATION!! For the haters out there, wait till you find out who PHIL GODLEWSKI is!!?
Thank you for the informative interview, enjoy listening to Phil when I can listen to all of it. Nice to read an article that can be taken as true also. Soon we will all know and the Truth Must Come Out. So called think tanks and so called intelligence people ought not have the right to dictate what the people know. If it has to do with actual National or World Security then that is a different situation, and we must stop with the dumbing down of people.
New math:
1 Thessalonians 4: 13 = 1 Corinthians 15: 50 = Revelation 11: 11 (Twinkling of eye change from mortality to immortality–caorruptible to incorruptible, decayable to not… Paul tells us the human body cannot live in the new reality; it must be changed to a body like JC after His resurrection.
Revelation 11: 3-4 = Zechariah 4: 14 + Revelation 1: 20
WE (Christians) ARE the lamp stands & olive trees (Revelation 11: 4,) the 2 witnesses (2 groups) according to the end of Revelation 1 & Zechariah 4: 14– the Old Testament lovers of God & the New Testament lovers (choosers) of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Why did George not do it’s due diligence on this report? Had they done so, they would have found out that Phil and his mystery is not a mystery at all but the hallmarks of a fraud and known criminal, period. It’s disgusting that such a thing is being elevated for nothing. He has never served in any government capacity nor in the military. The only thing he has served is the urges for an underage girl. Court documents can show the sweetheart deal he got away with only to be incarcerated for fraud. This type of criminal though doesn’t stop though after being incarcerated, he jumps on any money making fraud scheme and continues until he gets what he wants, which he loves to rub in his audiences faces for those poor souls that can’t smell the pile of crap dressed up as roses. George failed to state the facts and has painted a Criminal as a hero. Expected more from George than this MSM fake report. Shape up the reporting and you might want to check his timelines that can’t match. You did yourselves and those that really served a great disservice by endorsing this stolen valor dirt bag fraud.
I watched Phil for a while back in 2021-2022. Then I reached a point where he didn’t resonate with me so I stopped watching him. My point is that we are at a different place in the awakening process and should always be open to new content. As for Phil’s personality and past…IMHO he is a good speaker but has become too arrogant of late. His past is exactly that…his past. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” comes to mind. I think he’s doing what he needs to do for his own personal journey…as we all should be. No one is perfect except Jesus in my book. It can be hard sometimes but I try hard to look beyond one’s past and focus on what they are doing in the present because that’s what really matters. I also think we each need to practice this with our own lives…get past our past and get into the present…keep on working as a collective towards a positive ending to all of this garbage we have been exposed to for all of our lives. Even though I no longer watch Phil I appreciate that RWB did this interview. Good job!
Great, now interview some of Phil’s victims so we can really understand who Phil is. His predatory and dishonest behavior should also be reported on. Let them speak about who Phil is to them. If Phil likes transparency, he should be fine with it. Let the victims speak.
There are even grifters attacking Phil right here in these comments! Mostly, I would guess those who are attacking are merely shallow, uninformed people who are jealous of his success. Small minds who, most likely have yet to fully process what it actually happening in our world, even though Phil points much of it out for all of us. One thing I can say about This man; he unapologetically stands up for who he is while most others are more driven by what others think. Hooray for steadfastly and courageously Being yourself, Phil!
I watched him a couple years ago and his answer to everything was “yes”. Ex. Is Nessara going to come in October? “Yes”! Will Donald Trump be reinstated in 2021? “Yes”! Never mattered question, always YES, with NONE of which happened! He takes money from his followers and does a lot of grifting, also made it difficult in past for people to cancel subscription by shutting one platform down while still taking payments. This man claimed “he is 6th member of Q movement and 5 others are under him….,,the list of nonsense has been endless!!! HOWEVER, the most important detail people fail to discuss is his involvement with an underage girl!!! THESE ARE PUBLIC COURT DOCUMENTS!!!! THEN proceeded to later on text the victim!!! Has committed bank fraud (bad check) all PUBLIC knowledge!! Did I like some of his info at first, yes! Time went on and red flags began to raise more and more! I have served my country in U.S. Army and this is truly disheartening that such a reputable magazine such as George would NOT do their due diligence on this man before making him look like a martyr in the “truther” community!!! Sorry not sorry!! Send this article to men/women that TRULY served this Country and to his victims of his predatory nature!!!
Phil is a strong man of God . I believe Phil is using his God given gift to share TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE to those who are willing to hear it. Thank you Phil for all you had to endure for all of us , just because you wanted to share hope, justice and truth to all. God bless you and your family and remember you are devinly protected by our Heavenly Father ?❤️?? Thank you for the info for me to signed up for Gold Quiz. 401K??????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️God bless you!!! We love your videos!!
I harbor reservations regarding his credibility, as court documents revealing concerning information have come to light. It appears that some individuals are deliberately overlooking the alarming truth surrounding Phil’s past criminal history involving an underage girl.
The guy has a hint of mystery to him, people are so judgy and also so hateful, they don’t like what they don’t know and they never like confident successful people, who aren’t afraid to tell there stories and be a completely open book. He has shared so much of his failures and his success stories, I am happy he has new found wealth, he did it, he worked for it.
He is also a wealth of knowledge and airtight information. He never disappoins . Thanks Phil.
My daughter introduced me to Phil about 2 1/2 to 3 years ago. I have been a dedicated follower since. You hater’s need to move on now you have had your say. Leave. & let us brag about how blessed we are to know Phil & Keri. He does talk some before he dives in but so what? If you don’t like it move on your hate is disrupting all of us that love him. He has been honest from day 1 & has openly shared his mistakes.The music at the beginning, although not my style, is his intro to what’s coming. It play’s, I think, to let us know he will be with us shortly. He is late occasionally but he, most of the time, is still working on his live. You see Phil is a busy man & he does all of this on his own “spare” time. ? (I thought you would like that Phil) At the same time he has opened businesses that he hopes will help us financially. He just gave over a $100k to some of those that were in dire straights. You don’t have to pay anything to watch his lives but you can if you want to pick up some perks along the way! He is quite the entrepreneur! All of your negative comments mean nothing to us, his loyal followers”. We love you Phil & Keri! Thank you for everything you have done & continue to do for us! Royce, a loyal follower!! ❤️❤️
People can say what they Want about Phil Godlewski, but I know his heart is in the right place ! Much of what he says I believe is Truth. We have ALL BEEN BRAINWASHED especially by the Media such as CNN and MSNBC , they HATE on DJT daily which is sickening in itself , but turn around and BOW to BIDEN ADMIN, Like he’s Jesus Christ and done nothing wrong ???lol what a freaking Joke , but he’s created Jobs right ? Lol ? . I follow Phil on Rumble and have for few years which I will continue to follow him until he hangs up his microphone! You Go Phil Loyalist Here ! TButler
Well, your author is a Piece of Shit investigative journalist and should be fired immdiately for not investigating Phil Godlewski and his criminal past as a PEDOPHILE grooming an 15 y/o girl who’s boyfriend had committed suicide and Phil took advantage as a High School Baseball Coach to moleste a 15 y/o girl having sex in multiple locations.
I lost any iota of respect for George Magazine and you have failed to conduct a “follow-up” or “retraction” . . . .
OUT OF ALL THE REAL PATRIOTS OUT THERE, YOU CHOSE TO INTERVIEW A GRIFTER POSING AS A PATRIOT. All you have to do is a simple search of Phil Godlewski and you find out he is nothing he states he is. He lied about his Business degree from Harvard. He never went to Harvard. He has spent time in jail for check fraud. He even stole money from his own family. @Goodlion created a documentary laying out ALL the facts about Phil. It’s on Rumble. I suggest everyone watch it. Have you forgotten or was your head in the sand and you were not aware of his involvement with a minor??? His situation with an underage girl has exploded in his own face as he tried to sue the Scranton Times for defamation and evidence revealed his own guilt and the fact that he tried to coerce his victim by offering her $50,000 to lie about their sexual relationship when she was a minor. The victim is now suing him. I am disgusted that George Magazine threw caution to the wind and actually promoted a criminal as a hero. Shame on You.
You should have done your research before highlighting a criminal in your magazine. You’ve actually done the Patriot community a disservice by propping him up on a pedestal. You’ve just provided negative content to all who want to cancel us or discredit the movement.
Personally, I find it highly suspicious.
Thank you Phil and your family!!!
I know y’all are chosen, anointed and mighty men and woman of God!!!!
Born for this time “THE, KINGDOM AGE”
To bring in TRUTH, JUSTICE, FREEDOM, GOD back to the people!!!
Most of all for SAVING THE CHILDREN WORLDWIDE!!!! God bless y’all and keep y’all safe!!!! GODSPEED PHIL!!!!
Sending you love, thoughts and prayers!!!
Happy Hilda❤️???
Phil is fucked in the head.
Remember, folks, this is the guy who allegedly fucked a 15 year old in houses he was selling. He was a 27 year old baseball coach at the time.
Thank you!! This is opening my eyes to so much
Phil is so he is one great truther!
All I can say is Thank you for all you do and to keep up the Good work!
Phil is who he is “one great truther”!
Love to listen to Phil
Good interview. Congratulations and welcome back George. I’ve missed you. As usual, Phil did a remarkable job. I have been watching or listening to him since he was on Facebook. I do not totally agree with everything he says, have been disappointed his live streams are fewer and fewer, but honestly believe he cares about his followers as much as we care about him. God bless him, George, but most of all, God bless the USA. I would become a full time subscriber, but Social Security doesn’t allow it. Thanks for this article and for your extreme professionalism.
As time(years) have passed, and marker after marker after marker has been forecasted and missed. As a retired/disabled U.S. Army Special Ops Intel analyst, even I do not see enough of what is needed to remain positive that ‘we won’, ‘they can’t stop whats coming’ … the storm, the movie! While all you “Digital Soldiers” make off with millions from all your followers. We the commoners shoulder the burdens of the financial disaster(s). The food shortages….etc.
Awesome interview. Love Phil and his knowledge. He is dedicated to the Patriot lifestyle that needs to return to us, the People. WWG1WGA ??
I enjoyed this interview. I have heard the hype about Phil but prefer to trust my discernment. This article helps me to make the decision to follow or not. I liked the reason Phil gave as to why he’s in the movement, to bring transparency to the people of the world. I quite agree.
You nailed it Phil! ❤️?
Thank you Phil! I’ve been a part of your Phamily for almost a year now and know if there’s truth in Intel to look to you first.
God bless you and may He always keep you and your family safe and well cared for?????
Awesome article — WWG1WGA
That is our Phil. Each word is what he has been teaching us for a couple years now. You spoke very eloquently Phil. I’m glad you got a chance to do this. I do believe when “truths” start to be released “TO ALL” you are going to be that beacon that people come to for understanding! ??
Great article. I follow you and listen. Please keep doing what you do. I hope to understand more of what you’re saying/ teaching us. Please be safe
WOW! That is all I really can say at this moment. But, I’m not really surprised and I am happy about this interview and feel people who loved JFK and loved his magazine and who don’t realize all the lies that have gone on for decades will have eyes opened. They will continue reading his magazine and I believe Phil’s channel will grow even more. And one day we will be surprised who has been talking to us on Phil’s channels. I appreciate Phil and agree he is funny and good looking.?
Great interview with a great truther. Praying daily for the full truth to come out very publicly.
I’ve been watching Phil for a few years now and he has opened so many people eyes and made millions free thinkers! So many unjustly bash Phil but his followers know it’s because he’s over the target!!! Phil is someone truly special and I 100% believe the person claiming to be Snowden is a front for what was actually Phil’s work…JS! Awesome job Phil!!! Keep spreading the truth!!
Thank you for this interview! I believe this will help to open some eyes to what has gone on for so long.
Phil, Great article. When all phases are complete, hope you write & publish a book on – “the rest of the story” or “reading what’s between the lines”. There you have your sub title. Deep breathe when people criticize & just thank them – saying we all need critics, that’s how we get better & better! Always look forward & enjoy each day. Love your shows, too!
Wishing you the best future ever, with your sons & your bride & new family.
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Again, enjoyed every bit of the article & can’t wait for a book signing, literally.
MaxJ Blessings!
I have been a fan of Phil’s for a long time. I am so grateful for his help in this fiasco our country is in. God bless America and Phil! ????
Thank you, Phil! Great article. Thank you for all you do. You are so loved by your followers.
I knew Phil would do a good job on this interview … he did a great, outstanding, AWESOME job. Many of his viewers, like me, thank God for his boldness in always coming out with the truth. When he said he has “educated” us — he has! He has overturned the MSM and has taught us to question what we see/hear and to think for ourselves. We’ve grown so much. Sometimes he says things and then tells us he was trying to be funny and he’s not funny. The man is very funny, and the Bible tells us that laughter is GOOD medicine. So Phil has helped heal us from the wounds put on us by government and MSM. We’ve never met him, but we’ve truly learned to love him. He’s done much for us and our country!
An absolutely awesome article. Truth be told.
Great article! Phil has a huge heart and just wants to help people and our country to become the best possible.
I’ve been watching Phil for years and believe he is a special person, I love his wacky humour and look forward to his live streams. Please keep going x
I love your story, I actually tried to sign up for the magazine and I was having a hard time I didn’t get it accomplished. But I do love the story. Thank you for sharing and for helping so many of us Sarah Mast.
Bravo. I hope the sleepers will be curious enough to open their eyes and look around. See the deceit. Mostly, I want them, to want the truth. I anticipate the day when we can put God back in America. That’s the first step to rebuilding and making America great again.
WOW. Excellently written article. Thank YOU both! I’m impressed and learned some things about Phil…but very impressed with the flow and information in the article!
Great interview.Thank you Phil!!
Thank you Phil for everything you do for every one of US! True Patriot ?? GOD bless you and all good people of the world ?️
Thank u for all that u do and are doing! God bless u and ur family, u are truly a gift from God to keep us patriots informed and to keep the faith! I will never give up believing , “ The best is Yet to come, God’s got this! We need to be patient be thankful that the evil is being dealt with, never to happen again! Thank u once again!!!
Thank you Phil….I have been following for the past 2 1/2 years. I have trusted your intel. Please keep up the good work.
You are very loved. United We Stand.
Thank you for this article. Phil is the best! What he says about teaching his followers is 100% accurate. I’ve learned so much by following him. Phil’s followers are not only educated, but they are EXTREMELY loyal!
Hey Phil – How about having a 1-year subscription to George Mag like you did for last Christmas cash?
I know, I know. Easy for me to suggest what you should do with your money.
John C.
Phil godlewski is a remarkable man. We must all remember. Everything we have been told is absolutely a lie. Step out of the box you grew up in and open your mind. God didn’t put us here to be homeless, hungry, and sick. God is real! Religion has Been manipulated by man to divide and conquer. Truth is coming! Be ready.
Great article! a great truther! When I first discovered Phil I had to study him and he grows on you. Phil not only has good information but is quite transparent with himself and his delivery. There’s a few jerks who complain for God only knows what but the amount of followers speaks for itself. You are old enough to be my son but age has nothing to do with knowledge! You have earned your respect!
What a great article. Hopefully many more people will become aware of Phil. He has helped me immensely in coming to terms with what is happening. I pray for peace in my lifetime, and I believe The Plan will accomplish that. Thank you so much Phil.. God bless you.
Phil did an excellent job on this article. That is why so many people follow him. He is very intelligent and entertaining.
He has had his website set up so that no one can cancel. I complained in messages that this has automatically taken money from my account, and because he closed the account, I cant go in there to cancel. Then he had banned my account because I had asked questions he didnt like. Why are you promoting someone who is stealing funds from Senior Citizens? I want my money back from this thief!
Wow, excellent article! We are so grateful for Phil and other truthers that are telling the truth! That’s what we need to hear! Thank you, George Magazine, for carrying the truth forward. Love George Magazine’s integrity to telling all sides without bias.
Thank you George & Phil
What an excellent interview Rachel. Thank you asking those most desirable questions. This article really was enjoyable to read. I look forward to receiving my recent magazine purchase. Looking forward to many more!
God bless
Awesome article, thank you for just being you Phil. I have been a follower of yours since You Tube. I have not missed any of your shows or lives,can’t wait for tonights. I feel like you are my family and pray for you nightly. Please continue with your mission to bring out the truth, this 74 yr young grandmother loves you, God bless you and your family. WWG1WGA. God bless America!
I have followed Phil since the early days, never miss a live, I put my trust in God first, and Phil takes a VERY CLOSE second. When his followers complain about a live being cancelled until another day; I believe in my heart that the wait was well worth it, because I believe we were given more information than we would have gotten originally, so a wait only makes me happy, because I know some better will be provided in the live. I LOVE PHIL and he is the ONLY “truther” that I watch!
I just loved Phil’s interview with George magazine. I have been following him for over 2 years and will continue to follow him when he goes big time. His following just love him as he loves us.
Great job Phil. Now people can see that there is a plan in place that is finally being discussed in MSM and by a magazine that has credibility and integrity. We need to know all the truths, no matter what; seeing and hearing it is essential for people to understand. We are owed no less than the truths of what has happened to our country and us. Thank God we had people committed to our ideals, freedom and love of fellow man and country. God bless them ALL!
Great interview with Phil! Phil is a digital soldier journalist that we trust because he tells the truth! Thank you Phil and Thank you Rachel! God Bless You Both!
Bravo Phil, Your interview was great. I’ve been a huge fan of your since you started live on FB from you vehicle. I follow my discernment from God about you. I’m getting very excited we are nearing the End! Thank you for all you do for your followers. God Bless!! WEG1WGA
Congrats to George Magazine……whishing you much success!!
Great job Phil, as always! As a long time Phil follower, he has opened my mind up things I would have never believed were true before. I can’t wait to wear my Phil shirts after the truth comes out and prove to people I’m not nuts! Phil is a national treasure!
Lol the guy is such a grifter. His telegram is full of gibberish “hacking” and just like all the right wingers, out to get as much money from gullible boomers as possible.
Excellent interview! Followed Phil for a couple years and look forward to his Live shows I’ve learned so much and shared with many. Whoever you “really” are looking forward to the reveal. Keep up the persistance of searching for truth.
Thanks George for this interview with Phil! I’m pumped he laid it out there, and didn’t pull any punches. His truth will be brutal for many to comprehend. But for we who have followed this train wreck for 7 years or better, it’s time to reveal this disaster. Great Job Phil…..
Great article! I have followed Phil, among others, for 3+ years. With that being said, I have continued to eliminate/narrow my focus on those citizen journalists that I continue listening to – Phil remains my #1. He is solid with his information, educational topics and intel that comes to pass. Congratulations Phil on a great interview! Congratulations George Magazine – Glad to see your publication back!
What a great interview Phil. My intuition kicked in from the first time I listened to you….i knew you were the real deal. You have a follower here for life ! Can’t wait to go forward and see what our world turns into ! You have helped SO MANY ! God Bless and always be true to yourself !
Phil’s, I truly appreciate all you do. By the grace of God I found you on Rumble shortly after you started there. Now, my wife looks forward to listening to you too. I just felt in my spirit that something was wrong, so I kept looking. I went through several truthers before I found you. So glad you found God. He’s Holy, faithful, and loving. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favorite passages “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path”. May Gods love keep and abide in you forever!!! Love your intel drops too ❤️?.
I’m a retired Lieutenant Colonel, US Army, and a true conservative!!!
Great interview, I think Phil is the real deal, an honest good person with a big heart!
What a great interview!!! Phil, I’m as proud of you as I would be my own little brother?! You have done nothing but speak the truth even when Noone would listen. They are all listening now. I appreciate you.
Welcome back George! I have all your original issues and I’m excited to collect these as well. I pray one day we find our Jon Jon really isn’t gone and he writes one of his legendary editorials in here again. ❤️
Thank you, Rachel. Great interview with direct and probing questions. Thanks for letting Phil answer in his lingering fashion. I am sure you had to edit some, but you were very judicious. It still sounds like Phil being Phil. Welcome back, GEORGE. Keep printing TRUTH and we will keep reading.
What great interview. The best thing about how we get our news now is that whole thoughts are expressed w/o interruption. To watch Hannity on FOX, for instance, is all geared around people talking past each other and fighting, never solving ANYTHING in these explosive7 minute segments . There’s no depth to thought, just sensationalism and COMMERCIALS CONSTANTLY reminding you of all the things you DON’T have i.e. an IRA, a secure retirement, investments blah blah blah. It’s wearying! This article gave Phil the chance to express his side of things FULLY. Congratulations. I really hope JFK JR. IS alive and well as Phil says. I’m his age. felt everything he went through with hisFather & Uncle and HRC’s evil designs upon him and if he is indeed alive I really hope he will come out of anonymity soon. I subscribed to GEORGE and it was worth it! Blessings
I enjoyed reading this article.
Thank you Rachel
God Bless Humanity ?
Thank you for this. I will be ordering my copy later this week. I absolutely agree with Phil, I want transparency in the world. I know we can handle it. If we don’t have transparency about EVERYTHING I fear we will end up right back in the same spot we are fighting so hard to get out of at this very moment. Godspeed to you, Phil, and everyone fighting the good fight. And God bless America. Can’t wait for you next live this evening.
Thank you Phil and I pray you can keep doing what you do best. May God bless you and your family and as usual, may God bless and watch over our great country, which will be even more great when the job is done. I also pray for all the countries and people in this world that God created to have the freedom they deserve.
As we all knew he would, Phil did a fab job on this interview!!
Bravo, Praises and Thank you Phil and George for publishing TRUTH in a compelling format that respects Humanity, God and the NEED to deliver the TRUTH for the health and betterment of the entire world. Bless you all as you continue to do the work so sorely sought after by humanity.
Great Job! And Hello George!
Why are there reports of Phil’s involvement with a 15 year old student? Has he given any reason for that bit of news going around as well as the documented facts surrounding (if true or false) said accusations. I followed him closely until that info spark a look see. Phil! Can you address this for us? Are there people who are disinforming us?
Great interview George. I am going to subscribe to your magazine. I like Phil. You can take him or leave him as you please but I enjoy listening to his show.
Great interview! Phil is a Patriot and loves our country. A multitude of thanks to you Phil, for all you have done to fight for justice, expose the truth and open our eyes. God bless you my friend!
Phil, that was a great interview. I have been following you for a long time and I had my doubts about you, until I read your article. After reading your story, I can see your heart and courage. Keep up the good work and God Bless You!
So many in this community are blind to the truth. Reading this article has made me believe he is one of the biggest fraudsters in our community. He has made millions from his followers. When he starts his show it is about 15/20 minutes of music before he decides to grace us with his presence and then he spends another 30 minutes talking about his self. He is a child molester. He is a fraudster. He is an idiot. Finally I don’t think we have seen the real him in some time.
Same as CW. His interview was hilarious. What I always look for is their clothing just zoom in. He admits he was a very naughty boy in his past however there is NAUGHTY and NAUGHTY. HE spent a large part of his life transferring dirty money for his clients and at the same time transferring underage children to his friends in far away places.
I’m convinced these past few monthly copies of George are part of the movie. George will be the most sophisticated up market magazine available when the time comes. Why would they want to interview individuals like these
One of the parts of the revelations to come out that I am so excited about is find out the many evil gurus being exposed.
Anyhow glad I was able to get this off my mind.
Weird you’d prop someone up that doesn’t bring any provable facts to the table. Please interview Jon Herold and the Devolution Series. Brilliantly researched and documented facts provided in it. Until then I’ll just assume his work uncovers what is really happening in our government that no one can prove wrong. CHECK IT OUT.
I enjoyed this interview. I have heard back and forth about Phil’s not to follow or he is the best podcast out there. I have to be honest the noise about Phil was trust or to run him under the bus. . God is the judge we have no power above God. We have been brainwashed forever and it’s time to not be so judge mental. I have learned from so many podcasts that we must comeback together and stop the division. Choose wisely. For when you speak it must be truth. Phil is well liked by many and on the other hand not so much. I have no opinion all I ask is for the best of everyone Love your neighbor as yourself. God’s grace and glory guide your future and blessings to y’all.
Which magazine addition talks about Phil Godlewski. I want to buy one. How can I get it please.
George Magazine, Issue 7
I am very surprised that George chose this Grifter to interview, when there are so many “real Truthers out there. This guy is a child molester ,(while he was married with 2 young boys).She 15, he 25), you can look his court case up in Lackawanna County Pa. and is still ongoing. Meanwhile he got very rich of scamming people and he cancels his shows more then he is live. Any Real Truthers that call him out , he sues for slander, defamation of character etc, just like he sued the Scranton Times. For him, it’s all about money. George news should vet their guests a little better . This guy throws a bad light on your reporting. I followed him once, but quickly realized what a scammer he really is>
In addition to my prior post :If you want to interview a real Patriot and Truther, who charges nothing , sells no Merchandise , doesn’t scam people and knows what is really happening, look up Derek Johnson.
Great interview! I’m a loyal listener of Phil’s & am happy to see him in GEORGE (my new favorite publication). I trust Phil to be an honorable good guy and am sick to see how many still fall for whatever’s written in a newspaper somewhere. Thank you GEORGE & thank you Phil for fighting for the people’s right to know truth & allowing them to form their own opinions.
Hi, the whole thing is going well here and ofcourse every one is sharing information, that’s truly good, keep up writing.
Great interview Phil!
Thank you for this article on Phil!! His followers love him and helps us to understand better what is going on.
I can’t wait to time he is proven right and we all know who he is!!!!
Phil has opened my eyes and Many others as well to the truth of what is going on and what has gone on for so many years. Without his intel I would be a nervous wreck with all that is shown in the MEDIA now but he has a way to calm you and opens your eyes.
Thank you Phil for helping so many people understand the truth in so many of your different modes. Thank you George for the endorsement of Phil and helping people realize he is credible.
“Conclusions are based entirely on the sources of information whereby those interpretations are derived.”
i’ve followed Phil for a few years now. my conclusions are consistently supportive of his content. You don’t develop a following where north of 20 million people continually attend his ‘Lives’.. Besides, followers of his, post comments that are genuinely well thought out and intelligent. The naysayers that bash and criticize him, obviously have some -agenda- ax to grind.
We are in an information war. Detractors should focus on the sources of Phil’s intel. Then they would have different conclusions…
My wife and I have been following Phil for two Plus years. He has helped us tremendously to understand the world we are living in. But beyond the information that he continually brings to us, not only in his broadcasts but also through Telegram, it is his indominable optimism and his upbeat demeanor that never fails to cheer us up. Anyone who has listened to him for a while would never give credence to the trolls that try to paint him in any kind of unfavorable light. In our conviction, he is a man of the highest integrity and transparency and honesty are the foundation of all the work he does online. Thank you Phil and thank you George for this wonderful interview! Looking forward to the world that has been completely cleansed of evil! I love what Rumi said: Beyond Good and Evil there is a field, I will meet you there!
Excellent interview. I read it last spring when the magazine came out. Happy to see it here on X. I hope it will connect some dots for people. Phil has been a powerful resource Truther. He gives us enough intel and information so we can dig and learn for ourself. Thank you Phil. Doubters have to doubt and Hater’s have to hate. Hopefully they are waking up and see the lies, and can embrace the Truth. WWG1WGA??
I love watching Phil and loved reading this interview! I am one of those people who hate it when he cancels, but get very excited every time he schedules! Bless Phil and bless George Magazine.
The interview was great. I was fortunate to stumble upon Phil a few years ago. Phil is a brilliant, funny, compassionate guy. He has helped me open my eyes and mind to the truth about all the corruption and lies we have been fed. I’m so glad I came across him when I did. I will forever be grateful to him for everything he has done for us.
Thankful for the opportunity to prepare mentally, physically and financially that Phil given us all!
Phil cares and we care about Phil, is phamily and his mission! ?
Great interview and article, GM! Phil Godlewski is one of the few remaining truthers I still listen to because I have come to know he can be trusted. He’s right when he says he sometimes gives his listeneners information months before it actually comes out into the light. Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to some of Phil’s intel.
Great interview choice GEORGE!! We love Phil’s confidence and cockiness and the TRUTH that he is putting out there to help WAKE UP the sheep. He is our favorite out of all the truthers for intel. His popularity and large mass of followers is continuing to grow for a reason. Keep up the GOOD WORK Phil!
Well done George Magazine! Phil G is the real deal and I’m so excited to see his platform is getting bigger and better!
I have followed Phil for over 3 yrs. This is a fantastic article!
He never talks down to his audience nor have I once heard him talk bad other truthers. He has never said one had to buy anything & it really irks me when one says, well he has sponsors…really, does he come through the screen and twist your arm.
He has explained his situation with his law suits over and over to where I want to reach through the screen and say “ Knock it off”. I appreciate Phil, I appreciate this magazine and we are going to get our country back. Heck, I’ve been homeless for almost 2 years but the good Lord gets me by. Sweet friends have let me stay at their places.
Folks have got to start being kind and nice again. There are people sitting on the sidewalks truly homeless. I sit with them, take them some and a couple of bucks.
Once again, thank you for all you do Phil and thank you for the wonderful article.
Cynthia Moore
I need to edit my comments as I was typing too fast. I take water to homeless and Phil never talks bad about other so called truthers
Great interview! It would be awesome to know what our true history is. How can anyone make good choices when everything is so distorted?
Great interview Phil! You nailed it. Thank you for all you do for all of us.
I have always had a great gut feeling about Phil. He gives off an aura of wisdom. I trust him. I cannot wait to find out who he is as it relates to our new world!
Great article,I have followed Phil for years,never miss a show,I believe he loves our Country as much as I do. We are a force,our phamily! We agree on most things,debate the rest,and NCSWIC!
I follow Phil for 3 years +. Every posts on telegram and every live. He is my top and most credible source of info. Gratitude to him.
Great article!
Stop the nonsense about Phil G. This guy really does have very special intel for the world, especially Americans. We are still in a misinformation war. He is very correct about the corruption that has infiltrated our ranks at the highest levels. This operation is very involved, and has taken many years, and good people to stand up and fight. The truth is coming to light and whether you realize it or not, Phil Godlewski is a name that is at the forefront of that. We need all the help we can get, so put away your stupid notions and trying to make him something he is not. How dare you. WWG1WGA. God bless the patriots fighting for us, and God bless Phil G. and those like him that want the world to be a better place!
We have been following Phil for the last 3 years and have complete faith in his intel he provides. As far as we are concerned, he is the only real truther out there and we are grateful and blessed for the information he provides.
Thank you GM for doing this interview with Phil G. I’ve been listening to Phil since the beginning of his shows. I believe he has brought those of us who faithfully listen to him on all his platforms become a part of Phil’s Phamily and enjoy his intel, his joking around, and even including personal information like his wedding to his beautiful wife, Keri and his 4 kids! I know he had to give us info he is allowed to give us by people he gets his intel from AND, at times, disinformation bc it’s all part of this psychological war! I read positive and negative comments and just look at it like a typical dysfunctional phamily! I hope he NEVER gives up his platforms even after this biblical event finally happens. Trust in God!!!
Excellent article. I’ve been following Phil for about 3 years now. I was skeptical at first, but after providing solid intel prior to events, I’m convinced he not only has solid sources in high places, but also cares for humanity deeply, and especially our country.
Thank you George! Great interview with Phil…I have followed him for 3+ years. He is a great teacher. He is our voice, our son, our brother, our friend. He is “We”. “We the people”. I totally believe that God sent him and put him in this position. (Thank you Phil!)
Great interview Phil.
I have been following you for a long time now. I have my own opinions about things, and we usually agree, and I appreciate your intel which is spot on. I remember when Kennedy was shot, yes, I am that old. I consider it the great tragedy of my time. That and the Vietnam war. I am not forgetting the Twin Towers. But…what we are living through today
is as shocking as all of them put together. I thought our country was the greatest place in the world. So, keep up the good work Phil.
GREAT INTERVIEW George Magazine and Phil Godlewski!! Phil is THE BEST TRUTHER out there, HANDS DOWN 100%! I have been a Phamily member for 3 years and Phil is one of the ones that has helped me NOT GIVE UP HOPE ON OUR FALLEN NATION!! For the haters out there, wait till you find out who PHIL GODLEWSKI is!!?
I throughly enjoyed reading this article. Phil is so cool! We love Phil!
Thank you for the informative interview, enjoy listening to Phil when I can listen to all of it. Nice to read an article that can be taken as true also. Soon we will all know and the Truth Must Come Out. So called think tanks and so called intelligence people ought not have the right to dictate what the people know. If it has to do with actual National or World Security then that is a different situation, and we must stop with the dumbing down of people.
New math:
1 Thessalonians 4: 13 = 1 Corinthians 15: 50 = Revelation 11: 11 (Twinkling of eye change from mortality to immortality–caorruptible to incorruptible, decayable to not… Paul tells us the human body cannot live in the new reality; it must be changed to a body like JC after His resurrection.
Revelation 11: 3-4 = Zechariah 4: 14 + Revelation 1: 20
WE (Christians) ARE the lamp stands & olive trees (Revelation 11: 4,) the 2 witnesses (2 groups) according to the end of Revelation 1 & Zechariah 4: 14– the Old Testament lovers of God & the New Testament lovers (choosers) of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Why did George not do it’s due diligence on this report? Had they done so, they would have found out that Phil and his mystery is not a mystery at all but the hallmarks of a fraud and known criminal, period. It’s disgusting that such a thing is being elevated for nothing. He has never served in any government capacity nor in the military. The only thing he has served is the urges for an underage girl. Court documents can show the sweetheart deal he got away with only to be incarcerated for fraud. This type of criminal though doesn’t stop though after being incarcerated, he jumps on any money making fraud scheme and continues until he gets what he wants, which he loves to rub in his audiences faces for those poor souls that can’t smell the pile of crap dressed up as roses. George failed to state the facts and has painted a Criminal as a hero. Expected more from George than this MSM fake report. Shape up the reporting and you might want to check his timelines that can’t match. You did yourselves and those that really served a great disservice by endorsing this stolen valor dirt bag fraud.
I watched Phil for a while back in 2021-2022. Then I reached a point where he didn’t resonate with me so I stopped watching him. My point is that we are at a different place in the awakening process and should always be open to new content. As for Phil’s personality and past…IMHO he is a good speaker but has become too arrogant of late. His past is exactly that…his past. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” comes to mind. I think he’s doing what he needs to do for his own personal journey…as we all should be. No one is perfect except Jesus in my book. It can be hard sometimes but I try hard to look beyond one’s past and focus on what they are doing in the present because that’s what really matters. I also think we each need to practice this with our own lives…get past our past and get into the present…keep on working as a collective towards a positive ending to all of this garbage we have been exposed to for all of our lives. Even though I no longer watch Phil I appreciate that RWB did this interview. Good job!
please consider an audio file for the vision impaired if possible
Great, now interview some of Phil’s victims so we can really understand who Phil is. His predatory and dishonest behavior should also be reported on. Let them speak about who Phil is to them. If Phil likes transparency, he should be fine with it. Let the victims speak.
There are even grifters attacking Phil right here in these comments! Mostly, I would guess those who are attacking are merely shallow, uninformed people who are jealous of his success. Small minds who, most likely have yet to fully process what it actually happening in our world, even though Phil points much of it out for all of us. One thing I can say about This man; he unapologetically stands up for who he is while most others are more driven by what others think. Hooray for steadfastly and courageously Being yourself, Phil!
I watched him a couple years ago and his answer to everything was “yes”. Ex. Is Nessara going to come in October? “Yes”! Will Donald Trump be reinstated in 2021? “Yes”! Never mattered question, always YES, with NONE of which happened! He takes money from his followers and does a lot of grifting, also made it difficult in past for people to cancel subscription by shutting one platform down while still taking payments. This man claimed “he is 6th member of Q movement and 5 others are under him….,,the list of nonsense has been endless!!! HOWEVER, the most important detail people fail to discuss is his involvement with an underage girl!!! THESE ARE PUBLIC COURT DOCUMENTS!!!! THEN proceeded to later on text the victim!!! Has committed bank fraud (bad check) all PUBLIC knowledge!! Did I like some of his info at first, yes! Time went on and red flags began to raise more and more! I have served my country in U.S. Army and this is truly disheartening that such a reputable magazine such as George would NOT do their due diligence on this man before making him look like a martyr in the “truther” community!!! Sorry not sorry!! Send this article to men/women that TRULY served this Country and to his victims of his predatory nature!!!
I have huge doubts bout this guy…..nuff said… funny not many negative comments on here… must be censored….
Phil is a strong man of God . I believe Phil is using his God given gift to share TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE to those who are willing to hear it. Thank you Phil for all you had to endure for all of us , just because you wanted to share hope, justice and truth to all. God bless you and your family and remember you are devinly protected by our Heavenly Father ?❤️?? Thank you for the info for me to signed up for Gold Quiz. 401K??????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️God bless you!!! We love your videos!!
I harbor reservations regarding his credibility, as court documents revealing concerning information have come to light. It appears that some individuals are deliberately overlooking the alarming truth surrounding Phil’s past criminal history involving an underage girl.
The guy has a hint of mystery to him, people are so judgy and also so hateful, they don’t like what they don’t know and they never like confident successful people, who aren’t afraid to tell there stories and be a completely open book. He has shared so much of his failures and his success stories, I am happy he has new found wealth, he did it, he worked for it.
He is also a wealth of knowledge and airtight information. He never disappoins . Thanks Phil.
My daughter introduced me to Phil about 2 1/2 to 3 years ago. I have been a dedicated follower since. You hater’s need to move on now you have had your say. Leave. & let us brag about how blessed we are to know Phil & Keri. He does talk some before he dives in but so what? If you don’t like it move on your hate is disrupting all of us that love him. He has been honest from day 1 & has openly shared his mistakes.The music at the beginning, although not my style, is his intro to what’s coming. It play’s, I think, to let us know he will be with us shortly. He is late occasionally but he, most of the time, is still working on his live. You see Phil is a busy man & he does all of this on his own “spare” time. ? (I thought you would like that Phil) At the same time he has opened businesses that he hopes will help us financially. He just gave over a $100k to some of those that were in dire straights. You don’t have to pay anything to watch his lives but you can if you want to pick up some perks along the way! He is quite the entrepreneur! All of your negative comments mean nothing to us, his loyal followers”. We love you Phil & Keri! Thank you for everything you have done & continue to do for us! Royce, a loyal follower!! ❤️❤️
Why would anyone interview this bullsh***ing grifter? Did you seriously do NO research or background check on this con artist?
People can say what they Want about Phil Godlewski, but I know his heart is in the right place ! Much of what he says I believe is Truth. We have ALL BEEN BRAINWASHED especially by the Media such as CNN and MSNBC , they HATE on DJT daily which is sickening in itself , but turn around and BOW to BIDEN ADMIN, Like he’s Jesus Christ and done nothing wrong ???lol what a freaking Joke , but he’s created Jobs right ? Lol ? . I follow Phil on Rumble and have for few years which I will continue to follow him until he hangs up his microphone! You Go Phil Loyalist Here ! TButler
Well, your author is a Piece of Shit investigative journalist and should be fired immdiately for not investigating Phil Godlewski and his criminal past as a PEDOPHILE grooming an 15 y/o girl who’s boyfriend had committed suicide and Phil took advantage as a High School Baseball Coach to moleste a 15 y/o girl having sex in multiple locations.
I lost any iota of respect for George Magazine and you have failed to conduct a “follow-up” or “retraction” . . . .
OUT OF ALL THE REAL PATRIOTS OUT THERE, YOU CHOSE TO INTERVIEW A GRIFTER POSING AS A PATRIOT. All you have to do is a simple search of Phil Godlewski and you find out he is nothing he states he is. He lied about his Business degree from Harvard. He never went to Harvard. He has spent time in jail for check fraud. He even stole money from his own family. @Goodlion created a documentary laying out ALL the facts about Phil. It’s on Rumble. I suggest everyone watch it. Have you forgotten or was your head in the sand and you were not aware of his involvement with a minor??? His situation with an underage girl has exploded in his own face as he tried to sue the Scranton Times for defamation and evidence revealed his own guilt and the fact that he tried to coerce his victim by offering her $50,000 to lie about their sexual relationship when she was a minor. The victim is now suing him. I am disgusted that George Magazine threw caution to the wind and actually promoted a criminal as a hero. Shame on You.
WOW! Leaving this comment from all the way in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam! George certainly does have a LARGE reach!
You should have done your research before highlighting a criminal in your magazine. You’ve actually done the Patriot community a disservice by propping him up on a pedestal. You’ve just provided negative content to all who want to cancel us or discredit the movement.
Personally, I find it highly suspicious.
Amazed at this article. Thats all I can say. Don’t want to be sued.
She was just 15 years old. Our whole movement is for the children. This is not ok. Think of a 15 or 16 year old that you know. Breaks my heart.
Very good article! We are linking to this reat poswt on our website.
Keep up the great writing.
Thank you Phil and your family!!!
I know y’all are chosen, anointed and mighty men and woman of God!!!!
Born for this time “THE, KINGDOM AGE”
To bring in TRUTH, JUSTICE, FREEDOM, GOD back to the people!!!
Most of all for SAVING THE CHILDREN WORLDWIDE!!!! God bless y’all and keep y’all safe!!!! GODSPEED PHIL!!!!
Sending you love, thoughts and prayers!!!
Happy Hilda❤️???
Phil is fucked in the head.
Remember, folks, this is the guy who allegedly fucked a 15 year old in houses he was selling. He was a 27 year old baseball coach at the time.
I figured it out!!! Just like Phil said…”it’s right in front of our eyes”. ❤️⚓️❤️
well I’ve been back-and-forth with what I think about him. I will say George Magazine when interview him if he was just a nobody!