Election 2024 Countdown


The Alpha and Omega: Beginning and End 

By Pastor Bob Joyce

The Alpha and Omega: Beginning and End   at george magazine
The Alpha and Omega: Beginning and End   at george magazine
The Alpha and Omega: Beginning and End   at george magazine

17 thoughts on "The Alpha and Omega: Beginning and End "

  1. Gene Ho says:

    Love this article!!!

  2. Sue Phillips says:

    This is an excellent article! Thank you!

  3. Johnni Trail says:

    Powerful truth! May we all grab hold to the calling of God over our lives, and ever daily be transformed into the likeness of Christ, all for the glory of the Kingdom! Thank you Pastor for your diligence and devotion to preach the gospel!

  4. Julie Garza says:

    Beautiful ❤️

  5. DiAnn Schroeder says:

    This is a great article!!
    Thank you Pastor Bob!!
    Can’t wait for the next article!!
    God Bless you and your family!!!

  6. Sara Miller says:

    THIS is the truth, as always, Pastor Bob — I thank you for sharing this with us .. you are a true disciple of Christ and I am so grateful to be a part of your church and hear the truth .. God bless you and your family always.

  7. Elise Amy says:


  8. Belinda Lemen says:

    Like a blanket wrapped around me. Security, warmth and comfort from God’s words you bring to each of us.
    Thank you!

  9. Smith McRay Judy says:

    Powerful Message Pastor Bob, For the first time I just realized from what you said in this article my Healing I experienced from my grief of the Death of my Daddy, My Grandson and My Husband makes me like Jesus who beat death on the cross. As wonderful as my Healing has been until now it’s ‘nothing compared to how it lays inside of me knowing. after reading this Article I’m already like Jesus from my experience of grief, feeling lost, lonely,
    the endless not stop pain and misery to finding and living in peace, resolution, acceptance & the ability to find Joy in my present moments again in my daily life and the ability to help others in their grief.. Thank You Pastor Bob for always sharing and giving us more Jesus knowledge from your insite and understanding in God’s words and messages for us when we can’t understand it all ourself. God Bless You and your Family Always Live Judy Smith

  10. Scott Drummond says:

    I am 54 and working hard to recover from tongue and neck cancer and reading this reminds me that even if God does not choose to heal me completely and I die before I get much older due to this evil disease, that in the end we will all be together again and we will rejoice together in God’s presence! I am still fighting with all I have in me and believe God has plan for my life not to harm me but for me to prosper and I believe his will is to heal me for I have much work left to do here on earth. I am not afraid of dying I am just not ready to leave my family just yet and I have more work to do for the kingdom! I need to make sure they put their trust in God and His plans for their lives and not trusting in their own understanding as it is not God’s! God’s will for us is to have dominion over creation and to keep building our faith as we move forward with this life in preparation for becoming more like Christ! Thank you for the article and I Pray for all the sick and people in need this Christmas season!

  11. Vicki Smith says:

    Everything is so beautifully stated in this article. This is one of your best yet, even though they’ve all been great! God chose you to spread the word and you are absolutely doing exactly what God called you to do, Pastor Bob!!! I am grateful for the opportunity to witness alongside you!!!

  12. Darlene Jackson says:

    When truth is presented, it has a rhythm to it and it resonates with you. Thank you Brother Bob, this resonated with my spirit! You are truly an Oracle of Father God!❤️

  13. Tina Dunham says:


  14. Patricia Thompson says:

    I thoroughly enjoyed this article and think it was both enlightening and comforting for all. Wonderful work! Thank you Pastor Bob. Bless you and yours this holiday season!

  15. Maria Tan says:

    Beautiful! I loved reading this piece. I especially felt where you write “open your eyes in expectation. Don’t miss the great works that are yet to be…”. Amen! Thank you, Pastor Bob. I am praying that we will all open our eyes to the beauty of Jesus!
    I am praying for a revival in America & the world! I know you are here to preach God’s word, to plant the seed in people’s heart. You are a huge piece of this revival, Pastor Bob!

  16. Peggy Miller says:

    Thank you, Pastor Bob. You are blessing so many people with your words and your devotion to the Lord. God is blessing you for your devotion to Him and witness to the world. You are greatly loved.

  17. Darrin Williams says:

    Excellent article Pastor Bob!!! This article is a great reality check for myself! Thank you for your encouragement and how you are always encouraging us to focus on Jesus Christ and the eternal and not the things of this world which are so temporary! I have over thirty years as a psychotherapist helping others ,yet I ask myself at this moment in time, how much of my work as a clinician was done in the flesh and how much was done in the spirit? However, for whatever work I have remaining I want to be that clinician who clings to Jesus Christ continually. Please get your rest!!! The body and bride of Christ needs you!!!

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