The Friend of an Old Stray Dog

By Pastor Bob Joyce

The Friend of an Old Stray Dog  at george magazine
The Friend of an Old Stray Dog  at george magazine
The Friend of an Old Stray Dog  at george magazine
The Friend of an Old Stray Dog  at george magazine
The Friend of an Old Stray Dog  at george magazine

12 thoughts on "The Friend of an Old Stray Dog"

  1. Judy says:

    So Beautifully Written,God kept me alive ,Mom put a gun to my head, she put a pillow over my sister head as a child I got on my mom’s back pulling her off ,many more disasters in my life,But God kept me safe throughout my life,cried many a tears in life,ptsd made me strong and not to trust a yone,but only through God with his holy spirit guiding me…

  2. Kevin Bruce Stevens says:

    Gratitude for undeserved goodness and mercy.

  3. Vicki Smith says:

    Pastor Bob, you have eloquently told the story that likely fits each of us at one point in our lives. Your message touches my heart. God has blessed you with the art of poignancy in delivering His message, whether it is in song, spoken word, or in writings. His gift to you, in turn, has Blessed the lives of stray dogs like myself! This one sure hits close to home, and I am grateful to call you Friend!

  4. Kathleen Pickowitz says:

    Pastor Bob always speaks a message relevant to each of us. I just bought a book called Praying Grace. It’s about learning that all of the “dirty dog” stuff you’ve done in your life is not bad enough to keep you from having dinner with Jesus in heaven, he already bought your dinner ticket.

  5. Gary Crain says:

    My pastor, Brother Bob, shows us, in these great analogies, how Jesus loves us so very much. Jesus, our Lord and Savior, Pastor Bob, God’s messenger. ? What a Friend we have in Jesus?!!!

  6. Debbie Weddle says:

    Beautiful story Pastor Bob. Just like your sermons on Sunday, this hits close to home. It touches my heart and gives me hope for my children. God has Blessed you Pastor Bob for delivery his messages to us.

  7. John Williams says:

    Beautiful Beyond Words !!! . . . Jesus is All that Exists to me . . . I am the most unworthy of all His Creations, but He Loves me Completely regardless of my humble state . . . Sometimes it’s hard to live with Oneself, and You just want to throw the tear soaked towel in . . . You drown in your tears of loneliness inside because you have no one . . . Not Even yourself !!! . . . There are no words to begin to describe it . . . Then, Out Of Nowhere, Jesus steps into your life amongst your tears, like I’m shedding now as I write this . . . I know what an old stray dog is all about . . . I am one . . . I don’t have much . . . I take the Crumbs of Kindness when I find them . . . Old stray dogs only go where they are wanted, which is somewhere that is Hard to find . . . Loneliness becomes our life, and we have nothing but Loyalty and Love to give that is so often just kicked around like it’s nothing . . . I know what it is to be an Old Stray Dog that finally Found A Friend in Jesus . . . He doesn’t mind my company . . . We are the Best of Friends now, and Forever . . . If I never have anyone to be Loyal to and Love, or that could Love this Lonely Old Stray Dog, so be it . . . I have a New Master that I am Loyal to and Love . . . He died for me, and I live for Him . . . He doesn’t have to call me . . . I Always Run to Him . . . Where Else Could I Go? . . . Who Else would Be Glad to See Me? . . . I’m just an Old Stray Dog . . .
    Thank You Pastor Bob Joyce . . . Thank You Jesus . . . Thank You Heavenly Father for Loving and Caring for All your Old Stray Dogs that have a New Master . . . JESUS !!! . . .

  8. Sara Miller says:

    This story by our dear Pastor Bob, really was needed this morning — by my husband and my me. So well done — it was written for us, I think. We really needed to hear this – Pastor Bob is a true disciple of our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ. Only Jesus could love the old “us” and love us when He has touched our lives again – and love us forever, no matter what.

  9. Jamie Schmit says:

    This is so beautiful to read. I have purchased his books and look forward to reading more of what Pastor Bob Joyce has to share. Beautiful voice and sermons reaching so many people is a true blessing to so many. Many have not been a believer, got away from their belief in Jesus, many not able to make it to church but get so much from being able to watch it on YouTube. Wow how things change (some make things better but not all).

  10. Phyllis Barrett says:

    I was just like the stray dog looking for in all the wrong places and it took me being in that place to need a saviour. I’m so glad Jesus saw not a stray dog but a list sheep looking for it’s
    Shepard.. I’m so happy that I also found you .. You bless me and you remind me how much God loves us . No matter where we are at in life he is there and he has promised to never leave us or forsake us … That lost stray dog was forsake and it wasn’t loved and left lost , hungry and alone .. We all feel like we are alone sometimes when we are going through hard trials in our life, but thank God he rescued me and reminds me Just how much he loves us .. Thank You Bob Joyce for your life and your devotion to all of God’s children … I pray God continues to use your ministry and many stray dogs get rescued… God Bless You ???

  11. Ketina says:

    That was a wonderful read. I think we can all think of a time, that we were that stray. Praise Jesus for taking us, just as we are. Praise him again, for not leaving us like we came. God bless you Pastor and your wonderful church.

  12. Stephanie Howren says:

    Pastor Joyce,
    Thank you for the beautiful story and perfect adjoining scriptures. I have felt like that one lost sheep many times. I cry when I read that scripture. I have thought why would he care about me? He is so busy. He does because every time I was lost he was there showing me how much! I was going to commit suicide in 96 and on the way out the door I got a call. I had visited a church many months before and put my name down as a visitor. The phone rang right when I went to turn the door knob to leave to take my life. I was screening calls and I heard a sweet angelic voice say please don’t do it, please pick up the phone, I am a prayer warrior and I was told to contact you because you are going to hurt yourself. I had told no one of my plan. She said please if you are there he wants you to know he loves you so much, wants you to know you are here for a reason and he needs you to come to him! She was frantic! I answered and she said I am so happy I got to you in time! He called me on the phone! Amazing Grace! I gave my life to Yeshua and my life was changed forever. I never met that woman. I believe she was an angel. Thank you Bob Joyce. I love you!

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