Chris Eryx (aka: Baby Trump) talks with Rachel about his nickname, his childhood, and his faith

Get a behind the scenes look as Rachel interviews Chris Eryx for an upcoming issue of George Online. From stories of his childhood to his goals for the future, these excerpts will show you why Eryx is daring to dance through the storm. Be on the lookout for this article and many more in the November 2022 issue of George Online.

7 thoughts on "Chris Eryx (aka: Baby Trump) talks with Rachel about his nickname, his childhood, and his faith"

  1. Jason Boaz says:

    Amazing man of god! Love you brother!!!

    1. Oceanblue says:

      So proud of you Chris! Fantastic Interview.

  2. Sophia says:

    I had a similar upbringing 🙁 People really should NOT be parents if they do not really want children for the right reasons, in my opinion… Great Interveiw …

  3. Kaarin says:

    Thank you ???

  4. Tracy Horvath says:

    Love and miss you Chris! Tracy ( rockstarpgh)

  5. Derek Johnson says:

    this guy is a grifter clown like the rest of them on here, especially Gene.

    For real intel come to rattletrap1776 on telegram and be sure to check out my music.

    – Derek Johnson

  6. Rusty Walker says:

    Super great interview. SUPER GREAT SAINT!!!!! CHRIS ! CHRIS! CHRIS!!!!!

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